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she was hot, and I was speechless

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Well as some might know, things have been a roller coaster with me and the ex gf. So I decided that I am going to live my life, and screw her, if she wants a relationship it is on her to make the move. But I am done standing still, life is just to short.


That being said, I went to a club on Saturday and spotted this girl right away. I told my boy that I thought she was fine, and if he thought she was there alone. He said that he thought she was with this guy that was standing next to her. I agreed and stopped paying attention to her.


Later that night I felt someone grab my hand. I turned around and it was her. She was so hot, I could not believe it. She told me that I was one of the most attractive guys that she had seen. I thanked her and then found myself at a loose of words. I wanted to talk to her, but could not.


Now this has only happened to me once before (when I met my Ex gf). But I really wanted to get to know who this hot mystery girl was. After about what felt like a life time of me just staring at this girl, she told me she had to go, and did just that. I stood there in awe, and my boy came up to me and told me to go find her. I looked at him and told him I could not.


Later when I thought about it, I concluded that I am scared.. not of girls, but of a conection. It just hurt so bad when my last relationship ended that I am still scared of that kind of commitment. Is this normal, I mean i feel like I have a lot going, but one year after my relationship, I still can not move on. At least move on in the sense of a meaningful relationship, and not one of just sex and non-commitment.


Any advice would help.


PS. I know that I will never see the mystery girl ever again

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Hey kantore

Yea i agree with that you prolly wont ever see her again. That really sux dont it? Anyway, it sounds like you are still hooked on your ex. You either have to tell youself that its over between you guys or get back together with her. Until you do this you will never be able to push forward into another relationship. So get over her! If you are scared of getting into another relationship than you wont ever be able to get with any girls.

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Hi kantore,


Thank you for coming back to us with your latest news and update. I am sorry to hear that you weren't able to talk to this beautiful young woman and that you had to let her go. I understand that you are still thinking a lot back to your previous relationship and I understand you have a hard time letting it go.


The truth is that time will heal your wounds. Would it be a good idea to talk to your friend(s) about this and let them help you with it? I know that with people listening you will get over this sooner. It helps you and benefits you.


I hope that you will be able to move forward some time soon. Just make it happen, keep going out and keep having fun. Eventually things will come back to you. Good luck!!


~ SwingFox ~

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