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I can't sleep or eat

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This is yet another update from the last 3 that I posted. Last night, as I said, i called, and he said that he would be at my house between 10-11. I waited, and waited, ...and waited. He never showed up. I went to bed after tossing and turning, and woke up 3 or 4 times during the night and started crying, and almost was sick to my stomache. This morning, I called his mom and tol her what had transpired the past few days between her son and I. She said he wasn't at home (it was 6 am!!!) and she'd drop by my house and give me 20.00 dollars. After I called, he came home at 6:20( he's supposed to be at his job at 6:30). This evening I came home to find a message saying he called around 5:30, but didn't leave a message. I called his mom, and said thank you for bringing the money over this morning. She was kind of teary sounding. She said she had told him when he got home from work at 3 that he should call and apologize(which would explain the phone call). I told her that I didn't want to talk to him really, because it wasn't like he was sincere about it. His dad blew up at him about jepordizing his job. His mom said he went out to take a walk by himself. If anything, he went out to smoke pot, or smoke cigarettes and get away from his parents. I highly doubt he's contemplating what he did. Perhaps he's thinking about moving in with the other girl (and at this point, there isn't a show in my mind that he slept with her repeatedly this past weekend-why would he stay so late otherwise?) I was so upset today that I scheduled a session with the counselors on campus. I went and told her a synopsis of what's happened and cried a lot. I don't want to call him back, becasue I think that would make it look like I care. If anything, I should let him keep calling , but not return them, right? What should I do from now on? I keep hyperventilating when I think of him sleeping with her, or doing anything. . .I don't want to hear he's fallen in love with her, and that he doesn't want or need me anymore. I have less than 2 weeks left of school, and I need to get projects done. On top of all of this-my friend ( and his) is having a graduation party this friday. I want to go, but I don't know how I'm going to react if he's there, and how I can possibly get through that not looking like the bafoon of his joke. . .

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this sounds like a sticky situation you are in here. You dont want to call him but you are in love with him. Lets think about this for a minute. I think that you should either call him and tell him to come over or go to his house. This way you will be able to see him and talk toi him about what is goin on. Tell him that you really care about him and that you were very very sad that he didnt show up that night.


~Good Luck~



P.S. try to get him of the pot. It is goin to kill him 1 day and then you will be even sadder!

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Hi KitKat,


I am sorry to hear that things are still not working for you. I understand that you are finding yourself in a more and more difficult situation.


You wrote that you would like to stick into this relationship, because you do love this guy very much. I would like to explain to you that it's very hard to change someone and it looks like that you want him to change and pay more attention to you, which is understandable. Last but not least, I would like to ask you to look ahead 10 years. What if he still will be the same and just stop over at you or give you (and your children?) attention only when it's convenient to him at that time.


As it looks like to me communication towards him is very much needed. He will have to understand that you ARE there and that if he wants to stay in this relationship, he will have to meet his promises and meet your needs, too.


I hope that this helped you in making the right decisions that will work for you and I wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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