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buddy buddy friendship, guy to guy, or female to female

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Anyone in here have one cool buddy that you hit off? Care you share your experience?


Sometimes, I wish to have a good guy friend that I do things together like biking, watch sporting event, or some other guys stuff. I am fortunate enough to be in a relationship, but I do long for friendship especially someone to hang out outside of the relationship.

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I have friends like that, although mine are the opposite sex.. Best places to find friends with similar interests is to join clubs. I dont know if your at uni or how old you are but join a cycling club or whatever club your into. The village I live in has table tennis on a monday, which I need to join to make friends in my area lol..

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My closest friend is someone I've known for 12 years since high school. Although we don't see or talk to each other all the time, we do get together every month or once every few months and have a fun girls night out. Do you have anyone connections to people you know from school? If they're nice enough, you can hang out with them and get introduced to their friends and make friends that way. That's the best way for me to make friends I find. Meeting people through friends I already have.

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I have this one best friend, who happens to be a roommate, and I met her through a silly way, lol. But she is awesome. I talk to her about everything and she, likewise. Fun facts, geeky things, life. We complain about the same things, lol, such as how LA drivers simply don't pay attention to pedestrians (we walk) or whatever like that, life annoyances. We walk to places together, even if its for one person's destination, not both. We pull another to do fun things such as walking nonstop to see how far we can get, see how long we could drink beer by nursing it for a day, etc. We aren't stuck at the hips although, which we both appreciate. Both have bad experiences with that. I will certainly miss her when she moves to New York. I love how practical she is. I like the insights she gives me through practically and it gives me a different perspective and I'm learning more to think practical. She envies how organized I am, that im blunt, and she can tell how easily I can understand someone else. She says I think a lot sometimes. We have a very similar sense of humor though I tend to crack her up more often.


Luffles her. she and my boyfriend have a silly thing going on as well. They're "enemies," lol. She's the person where every guy wants to be her friend and possibly date her (though she has no interest in dating at all, at least for now. She rather takes life as it goes and she is currently more career minded). She is simply awesome. God, I'll miss her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all, thank you for sharing about your desire for friendship and your happy time with friends.


I'll like to share that I have reconnected with a friend that I didn't speak for over several months. For some misunderstanding, we stopped communicating during that time. I was upset at myself for losing such a good friend who is genuine, selfless, and honest. He had moved back home and I'll make an effort to go see him at least once a year. A true friend is someone who knows everything about you and still accept you as a friend.

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