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Marconi's Wotsits


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Wotsits!! Hope you don't mind me posting here - journal and all that.


But loving the posters! Paul Weller of the jam - FIT, Joe Strummer - FIT! Roger Doltrey -FIT and of course great music from all of them!! Yea bring it Marco!


And that Elvis cheesy puff painting is so fresh, reminds me of that artist, think from the UK who's famous for using elephant dung for his art...well not the best comparison but anyway....yes nice.

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Hey Rose, I'm glad you're here. Hope that you can post stuff too. It will get interesting. Poems, stories, vids would be nice. With Cranny and Shooting Star around too, things could get very sureal haha


Yay party at Marconi's! Come on Star, Rosel, let's go crazy!!


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That shark Dave, needs a giant sized polo, his breath is rank! lol


This is nice - can give my journal a rest now and bung this one up And talking of Aliens...one of my old school mates - amazing artist! Used to draw the alien (as above) with a bic pen, with so much detail, literally took him 5 mins to sketch it, never really focused on the lesson, just scribbling and drawing aliens in every class we had. Being a big Aliens fan, he even mastered the Bishop hand/knife move also, nearly at the same speed!!!...Well minus the knife but with a mathematics compass instead lol (still would've hurt). And yep I was the guinea pig, and reacted just like poor Hudson did haha.


It's great looking back and reminiscing on those interesting characters from school..

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