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My boyfriend and I have been having fights lately.. and it scares me. We had a fight about our one year and we had a fight over Thanksgiving lunch.


Our one year fight was him wanting to go to the cabin with his friends.. Im away at school and I had seen him every weekend before than.. but he kept on telling me to come home that weekend, so i made plans to than he said he wanted to go to the cabin.. and we fought bc i was confused as to why he'd say "come home come home" than all of a sudden change his mind. Was it selfish of me to do so? Should I have let him go?


For thanksgiving he made plans to come over for lunch... however, i call him and he said he's not coming and is going up to his friend's cottage.

Is my relationship in trouble? I feel like I am taking him away from hsi friends, and I seriously do not mean to. I just dont understand why he'd say these things than all of a sudden change his mind. He said he still loves me, which is a good thing. But why is he actinglike this? Am I too clingy and holding on to him too much? im afraid of losing him and I dont want that to happen...


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I dont think you're taking him away from his friends. In order for a relationship to last both of you have to make room for each other AND for your friends. It's not right that he all of the sudden changed his mind like that...did you talk to him about this? It might help to get his side of this out in the open. Have you guys fought before those two fights? I wish I could be more help...



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I agree with the previous post. It's not right for him to ask you to alter your plans to see him at a particular time, then ditch you at the last minute for his friends. However, if this has only happened twice, your relationship probably is not in serious trouble. Just make sure he knows that you don't have a problem with him spending time with his friends, you just want to spend time with him too, and you were hurt because you had already adjusted your schedule and plans to see him at those times.

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Thanks for replying

Yeah we fought like this kinda before.. But that was when he was away at school... And when he came back he didn't know who he watned to hang out with.. His girlfriend or his friends.

I will talk to him, because I know its not fair, and hopefully he knows that too. I really want things to work out good between us... so i'll keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks guys

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