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Well, it's getting close to that time of the year… yep, you guessed it. Christmas! If you're anything like me, you absolutely suck at shopping for gifts. And we all know how important it is to get your mate a very special gift. My problem is, I have no idea what to get my girlfriend. She's 24 and quite a girly girl. I am completely blank on this subject and I was hoping to get some advice. What should I get her? I need some ideas!


Thanks for any help I may receive

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I have a similar problem. I know what to buy people very well, though... But only when it's not around the time to actually go shopping for a holiday or birthday. When it's something I have to do, I draw a blank on everything I previously thought they'de absolutely love. That is when you consult a how-to website.


It actually really, really works. I did it and now I buy the best gifts.



It worked for me. I'm sure it'll help you! Good luck!

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well ive made a cd with all of the track with her name in them (hers names caroline so it was quite easy to find some) unfortunitaly she dumped me before i got a chance to give it to her so im now planning to give it too her at xmas to show that i still like her.


so maybe some other personal gift like that would be good just dont make it too tacky otherwise she might think that it's because you forgot and did it at the last minute.


hope that helps

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My b/f gave me a CD he had made of songs that were meaningful to us. That was among the best presents I've ever received from him.


Personally, I like getting gift cards as gifts (especially if I'm low on cash ) but not all people like gift cards.


Something fun you could do together could also make a nice gift, like tickets to see a play if she's into that sort of thing.


I know gift giving can be difficult sometimes. I lucked out this time - my b/f suggested one specific thing that he really wanted for his b-day, so I bought that for him. I still have Christmas to worry about though....

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I'd have to agree with AlleyCat, you can usually never go wrong with gift certificates. Also jewelry. I don't know how long you have been dating her, but something simple like a necklace with a heart would work. My boyfriend got me one for our anniversary and I absolutely love it.


I do, however, like the idea of a custom made mixed cd or a little photo album of pictures of you two. I mean you don't have to go all out and completely scrapbook the whole thing, but I think something like that would really make her melt.


Good luck!

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glad that you were helped ...while we are on the gift giving subject ...i have alot of friends...some are more close then others ..but i dont know what for cut off i should use as to WHO i get gifts for?! and if i will get anything in return...im not a worldly gal ..even if i get a card from someone i know that they were thinking of me during this jolly time of year...and i will treasure that card for life!!!!!!! who should i buy for ?

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i hate trying to shop for someone, but i usually end up spending all my money on other people anyway. when you TRY to find em stuff...it just never seems to work.



you have plenty of time between now and christmas, so just buy little random things. i love the cute little random presents. when you're out and you see something that reminds you of her, get it. that's where all my money usually goes....

but of coarse yu still have to have the big presents.

just pay attention to what she looks and and all...and buy it for her later!


hopefully i helped, but i think i just rambled.

but now i'm thinking about what in the world i'm gonna get everyone..

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Gift certificates are always a great idea. This might seem weird or tacky but if you don't leave it to the last minute you can save as much as 30 cents on the dollar buying them on eBay.


I recently bought a bunch of $20 iTunes gift certificates for $15. I think these make great gifts and you don't even need to take delivery of the certificates - you just need the numbers.


Anyway - they have all kinds of discounted gift certificates.


Flowers are also great but are tricky if you don't know much about them. There is a neat site (link below) about flower buying below. It has a lot of information on what makes the best gift for the different people in your life.


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Good luck!

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