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My EX is a Headcase I swear.

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After a conversation about him breaking NC


Me - 'You realise contacting me upsets me right? I swear you don't give a crap about me anymore'


Him - 'Well clearly I wasn't thinking straight'


Me - no reply


Him 'I don't think of you that way at all, I can pick you up if you like?'


Me - 'You want to pick me up?'


Him - 'I don't think that's a good idea'


Me - 'Then why suggest it!!!'


Him - 'I didn't! You did!'

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When my ex contacts me it upsets me as well. However, I ignore the contact and don't reply. I think the problem is your actions are not matching your words (replying and engaging in conversation) so he's taking full advantage of the contact and your reciprocation. Yes, he does seem a bit strange and unstable when he talks like that so put a stop to it...just stop replying.

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My ex just drove past my house. Two days after we broke up, he's on a dating website. Yeah, whatever. Now he drives by. Is there a different way to go? Plenty. I guess he's just checking I'm all bruised and broken. Or, at least, in. Is he going to call me? I reckon he'll leave it another week. Until I'm just *dying* to have him back. Actually, this kind of selfish, egotistical behaviour does help you. Guys who act like this are just children, and the distance and perspective from it helps you finally realise and see them as such.

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He's obviously nuts, lol.


I use to think it was hard when guys left me and forgot I existed, at least that made things easier ...


My ex just drove past my house. Two days after we broke up, he's on a dating website. Yeah, whatever. Now he drives by. Is there a different way to go? Plenty. I guess he's just checking I'm all bruised and broken. Or, at least, in. Is he going to call me? I reckon he'll leave it another week. Until I'm just *dying* to have him back. Actually, this kind of selfish, egotistical behaviour does help you. Guys who act like this are just children, and the distance and perspective from it helps you finally realise and see them as such.


Sorry to hear you have an ex like mine. Yeah you know I think it has helped me slightly, I think I'm almost ready to tell him to forget me and never contact me ever again. Just dunno how he could mess me around, I think he must enjoy it ...

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I think the best response you can give now is none at all. Some people work to a whole different set of rules. They're manipulative. They like game-playing. Once they found out they're on top, well, that's just the kick they were looking for. Once they get that, you won't see them again til they feel like the next instalment. Meanwhile, you're left feeling like crap. Silence speaks more than 1000 words. Screw it, I wouldn't dignify it with a response.

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Seece....you write this post about how your ex is a "head case"...we all give you our honest, heartfelt advice: tell him to stop contacting you. And within a day you are exchanging texts???


At some point, you have to realize that you are the one causing yourself this pain, not your ex. You are enabling him. You are allowing this. And it weakens you each and every time. It's sad because a lot of your posts indicate that you just open this door to your life willingly whenever he "knocks". Can you imagine if you were back together? He would abuse you even more. Abuse your trust. Abuse your willingness to allow him to do anything he wants. This is abuse, you realize, right?

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