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Online dating: log on frequency


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So I'm doing the online dating thing....and here's something that I've noticed (now Im only speaking for the men, because I don't look at women)


For the guys who I met in person and seemed serious about finding somebody, they usually logged on to the dating site once to twice a day at the most. However the guys who didn't seem all that serious and gave off the impression they were looking for something more casual, they logged on the dating site at least 3 to 4 times a day. Now I noticed this after I met these guys in person. My theory for the casual guys is that since they're not too serious, they're looking to find as many women as possible and perhaps are less picky about who they choose to correspond with, therefore they log on more because they are talking to multiple women at one time. As for the serious guys they are more picky because they are looking for somebody long term, and therefore they might not be corresponding with as many women at one time.


Now this is just my theory...but what do you guys think?

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I used to stay logged on indefinitely and/or logged on multiple times a day and I was looking for a serious relationship. I don't think you can make the assumption you make - someone looking for a serious relationship might want to contact as many women as possible plus stay high on the "who is logged on now" list by logging on.

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I posted about dating site activity the other day.


I don't think it's gender-specific, and I'm pretty sure high log-on frequency is either down to:


-The person is in active correspondence with multiple people

-The person is receiving lots of messages and regularly checks them as some sort of ego boost/self-validation or to see if there is something better than the person they are already dating, without necessarily replying to them

-The person is keeping themselves high on the search results (I think this is probably the least likely of the three)


Either way, I think any of the above signals that interest levels in you are not at a premium

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