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As you probly know if you've read my last posts, me and my (now ex)bf broke up over the w/e. My problem right now is that I've got a bunch of stuff I need to study, but everytime I sit down to study, I start crying( or if I'm lucky, I'll just space out a couple of minutes before crying). I have got to study, but I just can't!!!!

Does anyone have any ideas/advice as to how I could get myself to concentrate?

Please help me, or else I'm going to fail everything this week, and then I'll be even worst off!!!

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Getting over someone isnt the easies task in the world, but it's not impossible. Before you sit down to study, go and hang out with your friends, forget your problems for a few hours. Go for a walk somewhere. Listen to music and think about things. When you start crying, dont stop; let it all out. After a few hard break downs, it'll become less frequent. I've been there before and it wasnt a blast...but I got over it and so can you! Just keep a positive outlook on things, dont let yourself get depressed over a guy...they're not worth it.



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what i do cuz i have so much hurt and pain in side i even cry to sleep every night. is to just wright what you think down see what ever comes to mind i find it easy to talk about what i see around me then talk about what i think of it then things will come to gether there and you be righting 30.

ex. i saw a lady with hr kids and talked about how happy they looked and then it poped in my head that i always hated getting marryed but with my ex she was the only one i ever thought about it more then once.


hope tht helps

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