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I'm not really sure what a challenge would be considered. The only challenge I could think would be playing hard to get.


If thats the case, then I don't agree. I wouldn't want to feel like I had to chase a guy just to make him interested. If I had to go through a bunch of challenges just to be with someone, then I don't know if I would think it would be worth the effort.


Another challenge that crossed my mind, is competition with other girls. Thats not really a challenge I would like either. If I liked a guy, I think I would try to get over him if I knew he was interested in other girls, or was pretending to be.


Of course there are the natural things you face in relationships, like jealousy sometimes & arguments, but I don't think those are things people actually like.


I think the best thing to do to keep a relationship interesting is do new things. Don't do the same thing every weekend, or go out to eat all the time. Make dinner together, go on a picnic. I don't think you need to go through a bunch of challenging things to keep things interesting. However, a lot of things that could be challenging in a relationship will only make it stronger if you can work things out.

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Most guys are the same way.... if a girl is too "easy" they lose interest rather quickly. It's the same for women.... I think. A mutual way to look at it is that you must make that person earn their respect for you, not by belittling them or necessarily playing hard to get, but making them aware that you are worthy of being respected. By that, I mean, people will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. If you run and jump every time a girl calls, she's going to get bored because she's going to think you're desperate and it will make her head bigger cause she'll think she's "out of your league". Respect is very under-rated, in my opinion. Anyone who commands respect without putting others down, of course, will benefit not only by acquiring a lot of good friends, but it will also build their own self esteem.


How to do this?...... Don't be a doormat. Don't allow people to push you around or mold you to what they want or like. Be responsive and respectful to them and their comments and wishes, but don't necessarily follow their every lead. Show them that you have a mind of your own and that you have things to do, whether they're around or not. This is intriguing. Even if you don't have anything to do, make them think that you do and follow up with it with action. Don't lie, don't put others down, and don't talk about other people in a negative way to try to look cool. Try to remain neutral in conversations if something comes up about someone you know. Don't be a follower, and you don't even have to be a leader, just don't be a scapegoat or someone that everybody walks on.


The more you are around people and exhibit these traits, the more they will respect you and know that you are worthy of their respect, and they will try to impress YOU. This not only goes for romantic relationships but also for friendships.


Just my opinion.

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