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Hinting that you like her...

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Well i know that a bunch of people post about how do you tell if he/she likes them...and most people say they look a lot, smile, etc...


Well i have a good girl friend that i really like, but i don't wanna just come out and say it without the knowing that she'll like me too, becuase it might make things awkward, and i don't wanna lose her friendship, because if i can't have more than a friendship i want to at least have the friendship.


I know that people say that hints or signs are showing lots of eye contact and all the other things people say. Well i want to know if anybody has any other ideas, like verbally giving hints.


An example i believe was a good hint that i like her was when we were talking about homecoming and prom. I wasn't ( and didn't) go to homecoming, and she asked me, after she knew i wasn't going, if i was going to go to prom. I said that i would definitely go to prom. I then asked her who she would want to go with, a certain guy in particular. She said any guy she could have fun with and hold a conversation with. I then asked if that included me, and she said yes.


Well i thought that was a good one, but i would like to give some more off. Any suggestions?



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If she's your friend you gotta be honest with her. What's wrong with just telling her what you just told us??????????? If she's your friend she'll give you an answer. Please note that you will never get anywhere with women if you try to hide your feelings, and ultimately your true self.

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I know that i need to release these feelings, they are eating me up inside, but everyone makes it sound so easy.


I guess i'm afraid of rejection, or awkwardness, or something... I might not be hiding my feelings if she wasn't a good friend, but maybe i would be, i dunno

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make a journal on link removed about your feelings. post the link in your instant messanger profile. get her instant messanger name. if shes interested in you she will look at your profile, find a link to your journal and read it. in it, it will say how you feel about her. play stupid and write stuff and watch her do the things you want haha. brilliant. i do this and we are great friends so far.

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ya, i don't know about that journal thing, and if she reads it how can i joke about it? i lost u there...play stupid? i'm not sure how u were trying to help, but i don't know her AIM name anyway, i know she has one, but rarely goes on, as she is the busiest person i know, with work and a few after school programs and such...thanks anyway


Anyone else have an opinion? how could i hint to her verbally that i like her when i'm just talking to her in class tomorrow, we sit next to each other.

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^^like he sed just ask her out. you maybe worried bout wot if she says know(ive been there so i know) but once you have asked her you'll kno wot the answer is, if u never ask her then you'll be spending too much time thinking about what the answer would be and all types of what ifs. and i especially know how hard it is for you when shes a "good friend" as sometimes the girl just wants to be "good friends"(in my case she thinks of me as a true friend yeh like that makes me feel better ) and nothing more

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^^^^ sorry about ur situation man, ya i think i will ask her, eventually, takes me a LONG time to build up the courage, especially since i've never had a real gf, i had one for 2 weeks but we didn't even do anything...so i'm very inexperienced and scared...thanks

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Dude don't sweat the small stuff.


Fact is, you all probably won't be as close of friends after school is over. Usually you all go your own way. So what do you have to lose?


One thing that has ALWAYS worked well in crossing lines...play fighting. That is always a good tension breaker. If she is going to roll around with you wrestling, then it is a pretty good indication you have a shot.


For that inexperience stuff...just pretend you know what your doing...we all started from scratch at some time. Don't try to press anything...just go with your emotions.


Good Luck

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well i saw a video once about workplace relations and it said that something like 85% of all communication between people is non-verbal (im not sure of the exact figure, but its really high tho)


so just make sure that when ur talking to her u dont send her 'no signals' like crossing your arms and not making eye contact and stuff like that. it can be really distructive in this kinda situation.

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