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I suddenly realized that I'm over it - YES!!!

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What a rough 2 months after being dumped from a 2.5 year relationship. I was a mess, but finally, and fairly suddenly, I'm totally over it.


Last week I found out she has and had been sleeping with one of the 2 guys she moved in with. Haha, the funny thing is that I defended her to everyone who said she was sleeping with one of them... well, you were all correct. Anyways, that made moving on really easy. Part two was that I moved last week, and my new roommates are fantastic. I spent this entire last weekend out on the town and met about 15 new friends. I also woke up in another girl's bed on Sunday.


So what did I discover?


First off, the problems that my ex said were in the relationship were not actually problems with me (other than the drinking, but I'm a happy drunk, I just drink frequently). Hey, I'm not perfect, I screw up a lot, but I'm still a damn good boyfriend and I treat a SO with the love and respect that they deserve. No, the problems in the relationship had to do with her screwed up perception, her walls, and her inability to communicate because I was always willing to talk.


Secondly, I just had the best weekend of my life. I almost feel like I've been waiting my entire life just for this weekend. So wait, if this was the best weekend of my life then clearly it was better than being with my ex. AHA! Turns out I actually am having more fun by NOT being with my ex.


Finally, I am totally fine with my ex never contacting me again. In fact, I don't even want her to.


And get this, they say the ex comes snooping when they "sense" you're over them, right? Guess who just unblocked me on Facebook today. I don't even have the desire to look at her profile.



So to all you ENA'ers. You WILL get over it at some point. Sure, I still have the fond memories, and I did love her, and there honestly is some tiny little reserved corner in my heart for the girl, but I really want nothing to do with her now. I can finally eat (I just had a freakin' huge sandwich) and I can finally sleep all night. All my old interests have come back and I'm starting to get a lot of new ones.



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That's just fantastic, man. Yes, moving in to a new place with cool new people can suddenly make your life 100% better. I remember ages ago living alone for the first years out of school, and feeling lonely as hell, got really insecure. Then I moved in with two girls who had a bunch of cool friends and suddenly boom, I feel amazing again.


Plus some new sex usually is pretty nice too. Good work.


How did you discover your ex unblocked you tho?

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How did you discover your ex unblocked you tho?


I had a new message from a friend. When I clicked the message button, the ex was about half way down the list (since I had to send her a message about 2 weeks ago regarding some crap with our old apartment) and wasn't showing as blocked anymore. I wasn't trying to search for her

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