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Would guys miss their ex-gf ?

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I've broken up with my ex-bf for about 3 months. He dumped me because he loves another girl. They are very sweet now and they go on very well. I wanna know if he would miss me sometimes ? Would guys miss their ex-gf even they have a new gf ?

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I'm sorry to bring this back to earth but........

you are asking this why?

Is it because of what you want to hear?

You want to hear YES...he does miss you and think of you.


But the truth of the matter is, every guy is different...

depends on how into the relationship you were both were...

was love there?

why did u break up?

in what terms?


I tell myself he is w/ a new girl to forget me, cuz he is dependent, immature and not self reliable.....whatever gets me thru the day.


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Yes Ma'm Definitly guys miss their ex-gf.


I hv also been in love with a girl while doing my college. we love each other very much. But due to some cultural problems she had to marry with someone else on 11 Nov 1997. I still miss her very much whenever i be alone.


But definitly it depend on guys.

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Hi Santorini,


Thank you for coming back to eNotalone.com again and post another question to us. I understand that it hurts you that your ex bf is having fun, while you have tried so hard to make your relationship with him working. Now you're back on your own again, feeling a little awkward over this. I am sorry to hear that.


My suggestion is as simple as it is effective. Try to concentrate on yourself. Your b/f is history. How is it helping you knowing that he misses you or not? I know it's hard and I am sure you have questions like that. It's actually part of the healing process. Keep studying for the time being and try to set your mind off from him. Time will heal your wounds!!


I wish you strength and good luck. I hope that things will work out for you soon!


~ SwingFox ~


PS: how did Chinese Literature go?

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