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Should I ask her out a second time?

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I've liked this girl for about a year now, and last June I finally got the courage to ask her out. Her reply was "I would, but I currently have a boyfriend." I found out later from someone else that she broke up with her boyfriend two weeks after I had asked her out, but she doesn't know that I know this. Ever since I have sensed some sort of awkwardness from her, as if she doesn't know what to say or do when I am around, most of the time she does her best to ignore me. I have no idea as to what to do next. She doesn't know that I know that she broke up with her boyfriend.

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I say go ahead and go for it. The worst she can say is no. Besides, by you asking her again will show her you still care. Maybe the awkwardness you've been feeling from her is her not knowing how to tell you she and him broke up. Only thing is, I would ask her right now, give her some time to get over her last relationship.



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