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first date!!!!! help

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okay well i finally did it i asked this girl i liked out and she said yes =) and we are going to see a moive tonight.........my only prob is that we are both pretty shy and i hate the dreaded awkward scilence.......any suggestions on how to aviod this? and yet again i am thinking to much....and i am starting to second guess if we are going out as friends or more =S

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same problem here about not knowing wether the girl got my message that this was a date. As far as sugestions go see the movie first and follow up with ice cream or dinner afterwards. The movie gives you a good idea on how to break the ice. Another nice thing is let her choose the movie, this way it is something that she wanted to see. If its a chick flick say something like fine to just tease her a bit but don't make her change her mind.

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I agree with Raptor. Also, if the silence falls after you talked about the movie, try complimenting her. That always works for us girls. Ask her about her favorite music, foods, hobbies - basically, try to find some common ground both of you can feel comfortable talking about. Something my boyfriend and I always talk about when the silence falls is our childhood...yes, that includes all those embarrasing stories about barbies and whatever else you wouldnt be caught dead with today. Those funny stories are always a good way to break the ice.


I used to be very shy myself about a year or so ago. If you want to get over that, pretend you're not shy. It'll be hard at first, but after some time it'll become second nature and poof, there goes your shyness. Hope this helps and good luck!



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