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going under

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Well hello everyone at enotalone.I havent posted in this forum forever but i really need some help.Things have been going downhill lately.Everything just keeps turning out bad.I have been trying to stay strong but its hard when your life is crashing down around you.My cutting stopped for awhile,but recently i have started again.I want to stop, i need to stop, i just cant. am posting because i need help.If i keep acting this way i wont be around much longer.So i want to know,how do you stop feelings of suicide and death,when you just want to give up.Any help would be great.



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I would love to say that it will all be better in an instant, but it won't, i have seriously unpredictable bouts of depression, they never leave, always haunt me, but i just try and get on with my life, and try and correct mistakes keep making, and view the world in a really slight better view, that's the only thing i can suggest, to just try and work through it, as for the self-harm, i can't really advise you about that, as i have never been through that myself.

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hey..i know how you feel. i know you think no one knows what it's like, but some of us really do. i've been soo close before, but i'm glad i didn't. once we realize what's going on in our lives that make us unhappy, we can take control of them and do something about it. be strong and do what you have to do. these problems are temporary, but death is permanent. you'll never know what youre missing out on, bc life can really be good sometimes. just please reconsider and do not commit suicide, so you can one day soon experience the good things life has to offer. just please realize this isn't going to be forever and you can do something about it. please, i've been there, trust me. if you ever wanna talk, please feel free to msg me. i mean, we're going to die one day anyway, so why not try and do what you can to make the best of it now? make the best of this life, do all you can. talk to someone. seek help. find a hobby. anything you have to do. check out these links...i'll catch you later..take care


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