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Guy wants a girl to learn his language. Is it a red flag?


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I have also dated outside my race.

I do not believe that if someone were brought up in a culture that did not permit dating outside of marriage, would be likely to bring home one of another culture .


Race and culture are two different things, entirely.


Be careful who you call naive. Ill come to your door. Grim reaper style.


What does that even mean? Are you a troll?

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I'm sure, then, that you understand the potential difficulties involved in inter-culture relationships.




I would say that about 3/4 of my friends are from other cultures. For most part, they are free to date who they wish, but the ones who come from conservative societies, stay within their own, as it would cause serious issues within the families.

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Learning a language isn't something that's just a matter of flipping the pages of a book. It takes years to become proficient and fluent in speaking, listening, writing and learning a different language to a T, years upon years. If she's already made that kind of commitment to be with him and doesn't have a problem with that, then that's wonderful. But to ask that of a person, well, that's asking quite a lot in my opinion.

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I would say that about 3/4 of my friends are from other cultures. For most part, they are free to date who they wish, but the ones who come from conservative societies, stay within their own, as it would cause serious issues within the families.


Keep in mind that (if we're talking about America, here) there is a lot of pressure from society to "Americanize". People from other cultural backgrounds often do things that they wouldn't normally do, so they can "fit in" and be accepted by the people around them.

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BTW, if the girl you are talking about is you, is this the guy you were talking about before that didn't buy you Christmas presents or something - a different guy than the ex you were talking about recently who is deciding between two women? Or am i confused?


No, no, no, guys, this situation has nothing to do with me or my exes at all Believe me. Really.


Was this a situation of "you should move with me back to my country" or more a situation of "my country is a wonderful place, you would love living there".


It was more like:


Guy: I want to ask you one question. Could you learn my language?

Girl: What for?

Guy: Well that you could live in my country and understand everyone.

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How old are you guys? He may have liked you on the first date, but wants to know if you'd ever be willing to be open to his culture just in case you ever get serious. If you said no, never, he'll know you're not compatible. I think doing that on Date 2 is better than finding out on Date 20.

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