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Im going to see her but think she will end it...

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Hi, I have posted previously about my situation, but heres a quick summary.


My girlfriend is in miami working on a cruise ship, i am going to see her tomorrow for a week, i went to see her 7 weeks ago as well. We have been seeing each other for a year.


She is polish and i am english living in England. I have visited poland 3 times this year and miami twice on the ship to see her. I have had enough of waiting 2 months to see her for one week. She has never done anything to see me.


I want her to leave the ship and come back to england to live with me for a while. Maybe i want her to prove her love for me. Is it unreasonable for me to ask her to leave the ship and come to england to see if we really have something? Do i have a right to ask her this? If she says no it will be hard for me and I may have to break up with her, the time away from her is too hard.


I need to be true to myself and what i want from her yes? And if she isnt prepared to do it then I should get rid of her? If she really loved me enough and cared for me enough she would do it? Is this a reasonable thing to ask of her?


I am going insane without her.



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Long distance relationships is the hardest relationship of all to keep together, because it is so easy to grow appart. First of all - What would she be able to do for a living, if she comes back to england with you? Will she be able to earn a living for herself? And secondly, have you spoken with her about this before, and if you did, has anything changed from her reply last time? Answer all these questions yourself before you approach her, this way you will have a lot of convincing power, and she will know you thought about this in a sober, logical way, not just because you are in love.


it is totally fair to want your love close to you, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices. But obviously within reason, I mean is she going to be working there forever, or is this a temporary thing?


Hope you work it out.

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Thanks for your reply.


In answer to your questions, i am anly asking her to come here for a few months to see if we can work, i am not blind to the fact that if we live together it could all be different and we might not be so keen on each other, i just want some time together to find out.


She finishes work there in January, and then goes back to poland, then she is talking about going to australia next year... so maybe she still will not come here... mmm... maybe she is trying to tell me something...


She loves me i know this, but she has commitment issues, this is a big thing for her to come and live with me for a few months.


I guess all i can do is try.

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