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Just found out I have mild dysplasia-hpv. where to go from here? disgusted...


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I'm 19 and have been getting annual paps since I was 15. my last papin Feb. came back abnormal and hpv positive. after my colposcopy(sp)a week ago,I've found out I have mild dysplasia. I have been faithful with the same man for over a year and a half and he tells me im his first and one and only and I truly believe that.


Before him, I dated a guy off and on in highschool, the last time I slept with him was October 2009 Is it possible that I contracted HPV from him and its just now showing up 3 years later? or is my current boyfriend lying? because like i've said i have had annual paps.


I've only been with 2 people and I thought I was doing everything neccesary to prevent stds, im so grossed out by myself and so ashamed that i most likely gave this to my boyfriend. should we stop having sex and get him tested for it? what harm can it really do? my doctors are doing nothing to treat it and i dont have warts oy symptoms, i just have to have more frequent paps.


I DO NOT want to spread stds so is my sex life over till marriage?

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I also want to add that when my current boyfriend and i made the choice to have sex a year ago, I went in for my paps a little early in order to get an std test done and to renew my bc perscription which i had stopped taking. my std test and paps came back normal then. I did not get an std test this time but as mentioned, my paps came back hpv positive.

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Mild displasia is nothing to worry about. Your dr. should have told you that when you got the colposcopy. It's most certainly nothing to be grossed out about.

And I'm not sure what your ex bf would have lied about. Yes, you could have contracted HPV from him, but he wouldn't necessarily know about it. And it's extremely common. Just be sure to get another pap and follow up colposcopy if recommended.

If it makes you feel better, I had a colposcopy that came back as mild displasia in 2005. I have since had normal paps and not a single problem every year since. It's nothing to get worked up about, just make sure you keep getting your regular paps.

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Mild displasia is nothing to worry about. Your dr. should have told you that when you got the colposcopy. It's most certainly nothing to be grossed out about.

And I'm not sure what your ex bf would have lied about. Yes, you could have contracted HPV from him, but he wouldn't necessarily know about it. And it's extremely common. Just be sure to get another pap and follow up colposcopy if recommended.

If it makes you feel better, I had a colposcopy that came back as mild displasia in 2005. I have since had normal paps and not a single problem every year since. It's nothing to get worked up about, just make sure you keep getting your regular paps.


im worrieed about where i contracted this from, im worried my CURRENT boyfriend cheated or somthing. but i guess it could also be possible i got it from my ex 3 years ago.

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im worrieed about where i contracted this from, im worried my CURRENT boyfriend cheated or somthing. but i guess it could also be possible i got it from my ex 3 years ago.


Well, either of those partners could have had it and not known it. It wouldn't be a sign that your bf cheated, per se. It just means he's had sex at some point in his past. And yes, you could have had it and not had it affect any of your prior paps until now.

Huge swaths of the population have HPV. It's not ideal to have it, clearly, but it's just not worth getting worked about having it or where you got it. You'll never know.

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The HPV virus can remain dormant in cells for many years, before cellular changes take place that show up on a pap. So the answer is yes: your previous boyfriend could have given it to you and it's only showing up now.


Paps only show if you have abnormal cells -- they don't detect a virus. If your pap test turns out abnormal, THEN they test it for the presence of the virus. So you could be positive for HPV and have normal paps, as long as the virus has not started to create abnormal cells.


I've only been with 2 people and I thought I was doing everything neccesary to prevent stds


Have you been using condoms every time you have sex?


Even if you have used condoms each and every time you have sex -- which is the best existing method of protection against HPV -- it's possible to get HPV anyway, because there are skin-to-skin areas of contact outside the condom, and HPV is transmitted via the skin. But you should definitely be using condoms every time, even if on birth control pills.


This is not something to be ashamed about, and unfortunately, this is an epidemic. Studies show up to 80% of people in your age group (and into the 20's) as carrying HPV. That's why there's been so much in the news about vaccinating adolescents with the HPV vaccine (Gardasil). This isn't a foolproof shot, though -- it only covers 4 strains of the virus, the ones most likely to cause cervical cancer. There are dozens of strains of HPV though.


The good news is that often the body will mount an immune response and eventually overcome the virus to the point that you may test negative for it. So you need to follow this, and if your paps return to normal, also test for the presence of the virus. They don't really know if a negative result after you've been positive means you're "cured", but it would appear that one no longer has it. So it's not like herpes, where you are guaranteed to have it forever in all cases. Still, the same precautions should be taken, even after all your paps and tests return to normal.


Your boyfriend can't be tested, as there is no test for men. He can get a Gardasil vaccine, but a vaccine only works BEFORE you've contracted the virus. Currently, there is no way of your knowing if you gave it to him. But the same principles apply about the potential for his body to fight it off, and it's not as likely to cause penile cancer as cervical cancer.


Nevertheless, you should tell him.

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Well, either of those partners could have had it and not known it. It wouldn't be a sign that your bf cheated, per se. It just means he's had sex at some point in his past. And yes, you could have had it and not had it affect any of your prior paps until now.


That's not necessarily true, because as I said (and as you pointed out yourself), the first man the OP had sex with could have been the one who gave it to her. Which means her current boyfriend could very well be telling the truth that he was a virgin when they first had sex.


I'm not saying this rules your boyfriend out as a possible carrier, since it's possible he did have sex and he's lying. I don't know him. But I am saying that if you feel he's an honest person in other respects, and he claims he was a virgin when you had sex with him, OP, that's quite possible.

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That's not necessarily true, because as I said (and as you pointed out yourself), the first man the OP had sex with could have been the one who gave it to her. Which means her current boyfriend could very well be telling the truth that he was a virgin when they first had sex.


I'm not saying this rules your boyfriend out as a possible carrier, since it's possible he did have sex and he's lying. I don't know him. But I am saying that if you feel he's an honest person in other respects, and he claims he was a virgin when you had sex with him, OP, that's quite possible.


It just means the man who gave it to her had sex in the past, her bf or not, cheater or not. Patently obvious, but thanks for taking the more complicated reading necessary to require clarification.

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It just means the man who gave it to her had sex in the past, her bf or not, cheater or not. Patently obvious, but thanks for taking the more complicated reading necessary to require clarification.


The reason I clarified that is because your comment would lead the OP to think her boyfriend FOR SURE had sex before they were together, when he said he hadn't. So she would conclude from that that he is a liar.


Which could lead to extreme levels of distrust and anger, and her feeling she can't believe him anymore.


So it was important to clear up that he didn't necessarily have sex "at some point in his past", as you said.


Kind of an important clarification.


You're right though, that the man who gave it to her DID have sex in the past, since it's a sexually transmitted disease.

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You do not need Sex to transmit a virus; you don't even need body to body contact to transmit a virus: just body to virus contact.


However it is where it is now, you simply need to focus on getting it cleared up and moving on. These things happen. For all you know, he could have been born with it, or picked it up without ever knowing it long ago, and now has it. Testing in males is nigh on the difficult for this virus.


You'll be fine...

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You do not need Sex to transmit a virus; you don't even need body to body contact to transmit a virus: just body to virus contact.


However it is where it is now, you simply need to focus on getting it cleared up and moving on. These things happen. For all you know, he could have been born with it, or picked it up without ever knowing it long ago, and now has it. Testing in males is nigh on the difficult for this virus.


You'll be fine...


It all depends on the virus, Lonewing -- some viruses are airborne, some are bloodborne, some are body contact borne. You don't need body contact to get a rhinovirus (cold); someone merely needs to sneeze on you and you inhale the virus. For HIV, you need the virus to enter your bloodstream, so anything with HIV virus on it (another person's body part [i should add, one that contains/emits fluids], an IV needle, etc.) touching an open spot on your skin where the virus can enter can transmit it. But you don't get HIV from breathing the sneezes of a person with HIV, since HIV doesn't travel through the air and infect people. Some type of contact is needed.


With HPV, a person who has HPV needs to contact your skin for you to get it. You don't get it through the air, you don't get it through blood/open wounds. HPV (at least the type we are talking about here, relating to cervical abnormalities) is a sexually transmitted disease, which means you get it through sexual contact. Nuns who never have bodily contact with anyone sexually will not get cervical cancer due to HPV.


And people are not born with HPV. It's a germ you contract through touch.

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