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First party and my ex showed up out of the blue

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I waited for this party for 3 weeks after my ex dumped me. In 3 weeks I tried to get him back by doing the most stupid and desperate things (like crying and begging). It didn't work. He hold ignore. Then he called me drunk asking to meet and saying that he missed me. I took it as the positive sign, but next day he told his friends that he did mistake by calling me, showing all the messages I sent him and they were all laughing at me.


3 weeks passed. It was full 1st NC week. I was so happy that he was avoiding me and here's the party. The party only for my dormitory students. The door opens and I heard my friend screaming that my ex showed up with his friends. I was so in shock that I ran to look myself. He saw me and waved. Then all the evening he hold ignore as I even doesn't exist. I was a little bit drunk. He was sober. He dumped me out of the blue, so it was natural that I wanted to talk to him right here and right now. But I just couldn't. His friends were everywhere he went. I couldn't drag him asking to talk, showing how desperate I was, but in the end, they just occupied all the dance floor. I ended my evening pouring my heart to all the people around and they were dancing with random girls. He looked at me several times. I wrote him a message, that if he dared to show up, he shouldn't be so arrogant, and I asked to come into my room. I saw him showing my message to all the friends and they looked at me. Then they continued dancing with girls. I thought my nose will start bleeding from pressure so I asked my friends to go outside for a walk to calm down. I returned in half an hour and they weren't there.


I feel so horrible. How could he dare to show up at private party? His friends told me he wanted to go here, but why? He knew I will be here and he just tortured me all the night by giving all his attention to girls, except me.

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Dont even waste your time on this guy, he's only doing these things to hurt you more because she's child-ish. you have to show him that your better than that and are not phased by it, and stop talking to his friends hahahaha for reals that makes no sense. they are his friends and are not going to be loyal to you.

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and stop talking to his friends hahahaha for reals that makes no sense. they are his friends and are not going to be loyal to you.


Martinwilliams, you made a very logical point here. But how should I keep myself from asking when they just pop out of the blue (they even didn't belonged to that party's company, but came to have fun anyway, knowing I will be there).


Ok, so I made 2 more big mistakes yesterday. Apart from my sad face I've sent him 2 more messages after he went home, asking him why he showed up, knowing I will be there, and if he ignores me then he should just do that 100%. And another one, saying that it was a mistake saying to his friends, that I could be with him in the same room, cause he made a huge mess there. I wanted to talk to him but I knew it was just a game for him, so I felt like wishing to talk to a wall.


No reply. No comments. I feel stupid by pouring my heart to a man, who likes to play this game. Today is Easter. Again, with half of my friends, and half of his. I hope this evening he will NOT decide to show up, because that really drives me crazy. It's hard to keep myself from writing him afterwards.

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