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Good day today! Want to share some positivity :-)

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I know a lot of us are hurting on this board and I wanted to wish everyone a happy Friday and Easter weekend! yesterday was a bad day for me up until I got home from work, I decided to skip my class and paint Easter eggs with my mom instead. I still thought about him but boy did I cheer up after a nice quiet evening with my family. I also talked to my brother who knows how to give me te right advice (we are a lot alike and he understand me) and Im so glad I finally reached out to him.

After getting 8 hours of great sleep and that nice evening, I woke up in such a positive mood. I realize not every day will be this good and I will have ups and downs but I'm going to enjoy the ups while they last

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and thank you to everyone who gave me advice on this board!

I kept holding on to hopes of my ex and I fixing things and dreaded the thought of life without him and didn't earnestly take the advice to let him go and heal until Wednesday. It was due to what he told me that led to me letting go but I guess I needed an extra kick in the butt before following the guidance people gave me


Today I woke up looking forward to enjoying myself and my interests (even though before this was a bad thought because we shared so many interests that it all reminded me of him). I know that I will live my life and enjoy it for ME and find my own way and my own happiness. If he comes back, great! If not, I know I can make it on my own and be happy.




Stay strong everyone take this weekend as an opportunity to enjoy YOU!

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