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I may have to go to her place of work. How to handle this?

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I own a business that does business with where my ex works. We are both small companies.


My ex and I have not spoken in about 6 weeks. There was no closure. She said that she wanted to talk to me in person and then cut me off and got a new bf. So in other words, things are not good. We had been together for 5 years and were going to get married.


Anyway, I might have to show up at her company for a meeting. She is the secretary so would obviously know. What is the best way to handle this situation? How should I mentally prepare myself?


Personally I do not want to see or talk to her, but I am being put into a potentially uncomfortable situation.

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Can you bring a colleague with you to the meeting? Maybe that will make you both feel slightly more comfortable than if you just walked in alone. Either way, just be polite and that's that. I don't see how you can't feel uncomfortable in this situation, so just expect it and realize you will be dealing with her for just a moment or two.

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