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how do i tell my mom

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She didn't say she was lesbian, she simply said she was bi-sexual. Meaning she finds intrest in both genders.



I'm 14, and I'm bisexual. My Mom isn't too hip on that stuff either. I have known for about 6 months to a year, that I've been bi. I haven't told my mom, and don't plan to until I'm at least 16-17 or get a serious girlfriend. You don't have to tell her right off, give it some time. It's okay though. I'm here if you need to talk.



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I'm a little bit older than those that have already posted a response. I am 26 and just came to the realization that I'm bi within the last 6 months. I haven't old anyone, yet and I don't have a serious girlfriend.


I think it would be hard to be your age and know that you're bi and how to tell people. I don't have the best advice, but I think that you should just keep meeting people and being friends with them and see what happens and who you end up being attracted to.


If you are not ready to come out right now or if you feel it's unsafe or unsupportive if you do, then wait until the time is right or you have a serious girlfriend. You are still really young, so take the time you need to learn about yourself. I think it would be a good idea to talk to a counselor or an older adult that you trust just to help you sort through things. I think I'm also going to do that since no one knows I'm bi right now.

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Well... I think that your mom is your mom. For many girls I have known they are the closest friend they have. Your mom was the one that had you, took care of you, understood you, and loved you. So I think she should love and understand what you are going trough. Mabey its a mixed feeling you are having right now... but she should understand. Go for it slowly. Don't go like a crazy child and say: Mom you know what? I'm bi!!! What the heck will that be? (I know this will not happened its just a crazy exaple) Just go for it slow when your father is not there I'll say and of course, if you have brothers... none of them.

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i agree but dont agree with the last reply. If you feel it is necessary to tell your mom than you should. Some people are really close with their parents and feel the need to tell them what is going on in their life. If i do have kids i would want them to come to me and let me know if they have same sex feelings. If your not ready to tell her than like the last reply said don't stress over it give yourself time. I've realized that i am bisexual years ago but i still haven't told my parents. I'm not really close to them. Right now i just don't feel that it is necessary for them to know. If you do decide to tell your mom, just ask her if she wants to spend some time with you going to a movie or to dinner and in the car or at the restraunt just tell her exactly how you feel. The people that i told, it took alot out of me to tell them. I know its really hard to say, but sometimes its better to just blurt it out with out even thinking about it. Just make sure you are ready to tell her. I'm not going to tell you that things will be the same, because they won't. Things will change and maybe for a while it will be okward, but in due time things will be alot better than they are now.

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I think it's easy to tell people they are going through a phase if you, yourself aren't bi or gay. It's natural for people to question their sexuality and only the person experiencing it can say for sure whether they are gay, straight, bi, transgender.


Girl, just go by your feelings. I may never tell my parents. My mom already asks me if I'm gay and she's been asking me since I was 19, but I'm actually bi. She has never made it clear to me that she thinks it's okay if I am; she is simply butting into my life. I have never had a close, understanding relationship with her and so I may decide never to tell my family. I live 2,500 miles away from them so I don't think it really matters. I keep things very private and it drives my mother nuts, but she's not the sweet, kind mother that some of my friends have. She is very judging and critical.


My point is, if your mother is anything like mine you may decide never to tell her or the rest of your family. I know because you are so young you may feel like since you live under their roof that you should tell them out of guilt. I used to feel that way about telling my mother other things (I didn't realize I was bi at your age). I think it's best to talk to a counselor or a trusted older friend or adult before you do anything and those people can help you out yourself to family and friends when the time is right.

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I recently told my mom i was gay, so here are a few words of advice based on my experience.


Try to wait till you have a serious gf, coz you may just be going through a phase, and even if you aren't your mom might say you are, so it might be wise to have some 'evidence' that you really are bi. Also don't be upset with your mom if she says hurtful things, she probably won't mean what she says. My mom said some terrible things which she later told me she didn't mean, and deeply regrets. Your mom will need some time to acknowledge and accept your sexuality, so be prepared for that.


Also if u feel that her reaction will be a very negative one, maybe it's best to wait till you are financially independent of your parents if that's possible. On the flipside, your mom will probably appreciate it if u tell her sooner rather than later.


Also, being gay or bi isn't about genitals, it's about feelings, if your parents are together ask your mom if she loves your dad, and then tell her it's the same thing, but between two ppl of the same sex.


Hope that helps, and good luck. Don't feel pressured, its your decision on your time, and you are the one that has to put up with the consequences be they good or bad.

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