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Is it possible to see a change in someone......


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I haven't been on here in years so I don't know if this is the best place to post this topic. I was wondering if its possible to see a change in a person if you haven't spoken in several months or years? Say you see a new photo of them or see them out some where. Is it possible to look at their eyes or demenor and see a change? Not a physical change or personality change per-say, but they give just a different vibe than you remember from the past?

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You can tell if they are paying more attention to their fitness or appearance, but if you are looking to see if an ex has reformed and changed their ways and won't treat you the same as they did, no. You can't tell by looking in someone's eyes.


Yeah I know there's no way to tell that with an ex if they will treat you better and all that jazz. I mean just a simple scratch your head kind of moment that make you think..."hmm..they seem different from the way I remember them?'' It doesn't mean they are better or worse...just different vibe than before. Apperence change is the most obvious change to see.

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As time goes on, your memories change and fade and shift. What you remember of the person may only be the worst side or the best side or a tiny piece of both. I recently went though an old box I had with letters from my ex and just laughed at how ridiculous he was. I remembered a side of him that I had completely forgotten. In time, people change, too. But a picture is only a snapshot of a moment--you probably won't be able to accurately tell if the person changed unless you met them face to face.


What is bringing on these thoughts?

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Honestly I was just going through an ex's recent photos on facebook and she doesn't look like the same person I use to know. When I go through older photos of back when we were still together she just has a different look in her eyes (only way I know how to describe it). It's not that she looks more happy...not that she looks more sad...I just know I don't reconize her anymore. And it makes me feel weird. Maybe Im just curious to see how she's been since we never really speak. We've been broken up for almost 2 years and kinda haven't really just caught up on whats going on in our separate lives in almost a year.

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