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im 15 and my dad neglects me beats me and hes a police offic

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Hi everybody, My dad consumes 46 bottles of beer a week, and he neglects me, i called the police on him once and he knew the policemen who came to the house they stuck up for him and said hes aloud to hit me as long as he doesnt break my bones because he is also a policeman and its hard to bust him! He hits me so much, it seems like he looks for reasons to yell at me ignore me and hit me. He took away from me my computer my phone, im at a friends house now who has been helping me and knows about my childhood and my father, i knock on his door and he ignores me, and he throws things at me. it sucks!! My step brother hates me so in that case i cant move in with my step mom, my mother hasnt driven for 3 years shes an addict so she isnt much of an option that i would want to consider anyways.I hate knowing that i can't look up to my dad knowing he doesn't care about me. I dread coming home everyday after school because im too worried he had too many to drink. I don't want to live my life like this its horrible! My dad doesn't even care about my health when ever i don't feel good he won't take me to a doctor, i also have acne all over my back, and arms my dad won't take me to a dermatoligist. My dad doesn't say a word to me ever, unless he wants to yell at me. I can't live like this my life is being ruined because of him!! i beg you all to help me out please help me!

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I understand what you are going through (in the sense of trying to find the best option for yourself), as my stepdad sent me disgusting, perverted letters, and not long after i told my mum, she decided she wanted him more than me, her first born child!


But anyway, you've got to look at the best options for yourself, staying with your dad won't help you, so look at all the negatives and positives for your other options. Think about your education, and social life, make sure you think about how it affects those, and whether in the long run, it will be a good choice.


I hope you make the right decision for you.

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I know some of what you're going through but was lucky enough to escape a lot of physical abuse. I know the embarrassment, the fear of going home, just hearing his footsteps, etc. and listening to his drunken speeches and the forcing of his opinions upon you. I am a grown adult now but my dad was an alcoholic too.


I think in your situation that you definitely need to seek help from your school or clergyperson (any church). Neither of your parents are a good alternative at this point. In today's world I would find it hard to believe that your school or local church would ignore you. You might look in the yellow pages under crisis centers or abuse hotlines.


At this point in time, you can't worry or be afraid about what your parents will do or anything as a result of your getting help because, after all, consider the alternative, which is that you keep going home to your dad or you move in with your mom only to be subjected to a different kind of less than desirable role model.


I wish you luck and please do something TODAY.

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In this situation it doesnt matter who your dad is or what he does, if you report it to the proper authorities or group (eg. the police or a child abuce hotline) it will stop. You dont deserve this and you have done the right thing by telling us.


I suggest you go and speak to your school councellor, they should be able to help you out in this situation. There are also a number of hotlines you can call where you can get good, solid advice about stopping this - i would do some research and find some numbers for you but i dont know where you live, if you let me know then i'll get some. Alternatively you can ask your school councellor for them or get your friend to look them up.


I advise you to stay at a friends or relatives house for a few days (if possible) to get away from your dad. He is a serious danger to you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am sorry you have had to go through all of this.I went through the same thing with my step dad.Do you have any other relatives you can stay with such as grandparents or an aunt/uncle.You should also report this to a school counselor or a friend's parents.I hope you get out of this mess soon.If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to PM me.Good luck.



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