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My ex bf of over four years broke up with me this year. After we broke up we talked a bit on the phone now and then..but about a month afterwards he started to want to hang out with me again and see me. And when he did he would always tell me how much he missed me, and he would be so repectful of my feelings and very sweet and nice to me. Which is not like him..what i mean is..he was a good bf..but right before we broke up he was very rude to me..so it was unusual for him to treat me good again. But anyways just most recently for the past three weeks or so he acts like i'm his gf..like we hang out more often, stay over at eachothers house..and just act like we are together..even his friends think we are seeing eachother again by the way he acts around me..but i just don't get it..bc nothing has been discusssed..so i'm kinda lost ..after we broke up i started dating and he got mad at that...even what i wear he will joke saying cover up if i am revealing skin or if he thinks i look good..its kinda cute but at the same time i just don't know what to make of the whole situation. Is he just acting this way to hold on to me till someone else comes along..or is he regretting his decision...


another thing to point out is that when we first broke up he used to tell his friends he was not getting back with me and most recently he says perhap we will get back together (this is just what his friends have told me, as i'm also good friends with his friends)..i don't know i just find things strange..and i'm not sure what to do..i'm afraid to bring anything up bc i don't want to pressure him but at the same time i feel like i'm holding on and what if there is nothing to hold on to...i just feel i'm being pulled thru a loop...i don't know..what to think...it never really bothered me..until i was thinking last night then i just broke down in tears..i can't take it anymore..i'm just getting more hurt..

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Lil, this is gonna come out harsh.....


He treated you like crap. Then you talked a few times afterwards. He then found out you moved on and began dating other pople. Then he decides to put on the "nice guy" image at this point after being a rude POS towards you. You have basically become his GF without actually making him apologize or work to win you back after how he treated you when you broke up and the time that precedded that.


Wake up girl! Its obvious your feelings of being played with are true. I am sure others will echo what I am saying here. I can see it plain as day that he has and is playing games.

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I have to agree.


He doesn't seem to treat you very well and he's probably regretting his decision. He's acting like a yo-yo... wanting you, then not wanting you, then wanting you again. If you want to get back together, then remember what happened last time but try to forgive him and always strive to make the relationship better-- and NOT do a repeat. It didn't work for a reason last time....try to change that reason so you have a better relationship the next time around.


But if don't want to be with him again, you might want to put more distance between you guys until it's made clear (and I mean clear as crystal) you just want to be friends and that you aren't considering getting back together with him. Definitely don't sleep at each others houses either-- that can confuse anybody if they're thinking they want to get back to being romantically involved with you again.

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