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Help me write a message to a girl I once knew. Please :)


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Today I saw this girl, a girl that I knew back in my first year of college back when I was 16 eeek!. So a good 4 years ago! When we first met we were kinda seeing each other and it was obvious we liked it each other alot!

It all went downhill one day I cant remember why haha just remember being weak and chasing her(how I wish I knew what I know now back then!)think it may have been something to do with us being young and her not sure of what she liked in guys. Just us both immature and confused? It led to her flirting with my friends to make me jealous as well I remember. But eventually our friends fell out with her, causing me to be in the middle but yet some of the stuff that she said really made me get angry with her more.


So she never spoke to any of us and I eventually stopped talking to these friends aswell, so we all went our separate ways.


I have seen her once since before today, this was at a big gig in London by pure luck should I say, she was in the queue metres back with her boyfriend(now ex) didnt think much of it besides her being that girl I knew and fell out with. As I was talking to my brother at the time I did notice she kept pointing and looking my way, I just ignored it and acted like I didnt notice.


So today I saw her again and she didnt see me. But for some reason I would like to message her, see hows shes doing and what shes done with her life etc. Yes I saw her today and thought wow she looks great! Looks wise she has turned into what id love for a girl to look like haha!


I usually wouldnt ask for help on such a thing. But being the past of us, conflict with friendships, and the immature times of the teens! Im kinda stumped for ideas!

I would like some help in what I should say in my message to her to strike up a convo, something to gain her interest in talking to me. Aswell to show how over the years ive matured like I imagine she has, just something that she wont be tempted into ignoring. I want to make a good impression of the me of today really, so she doesnt sit and think. Your still that boy I remember! I hope as well she isnt like that same girl I remember.


If anyone would like some details that may help out write a better message feel free to ask, ino shes into her fashion, same music and that she goes to the same college as my little brother, aswell we both love tattoos. Im sure its just gotta be something to raise a smile really.

Not sure if I should apologise for the past and things I may of said or done back then.

But if anyone is willing to help please! Hopefully time can heal past wounds and conflicts. Id rather try and fail then to not try this out at all.


Thank you

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It was 4 years ago. Literally treat her like someone you barely know because odds are you barely do actually know the person she is now. Send a message saying you saw her in town the other day and how is she. Any more than that will probably come accross as creepy.

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Hey, sent her the message last night saying I saw her in town. I did apologise for how I was years ago, and mentioned about her new hair cut which I noticed is completely different from 4 years ago. Asking who did it, as im a hairdresser myself so im always interested in peoples work.


She replied literary this morning saying she goes to college in town and her friend did her hair. Im quite surprised she even replied to be honest!


I suppose now best to see how it goes?

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nothing like that, in the message. which isnt a good thing haha, like I said im still surprised she even replied. Not sure if it may be a matter of building on things its not like shes a friend I havnt spoke to in years. The last time we spoke or were around each other she would always feel hatred towards me

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I think if she was interested she would have asked you something about yourself (e.g., how you've been, what you've been up to, etc.). Hard to reply when she hasn't given you anything to reply to. BTW, you might get better feedback if you kept everything in one thread. You have so many different threads going about this one thing that it's hard to keep them straight.

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