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Should I tell her????


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I have known this girl for about four years, we talk quite regularly, and see quite a bit of each other. I have always been attracted to her, and I reckon she likes me too, but she is very good at hiding her feelings from everybody. A little while ago she told her friend she would date me, but she wouldn't want to ruin our friendship, she doesn't know that I know this! I want to tell her how I feel, but I think that she would get scared by the commitment aspect. Is there any way that I can break this gently to her, or am I wasting my time with her???

Please help!!!

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Is there any way that I can break this gently to her


What's wrong with telling a girl you find her interesting and would like to take things further and see where they go? I think that's attitude you need to take with her. "She seems interesting...lets see where things go". As far as making a confessional, I wouldn't. I would just ask for her number, or ask her to coffee sometime...remember women are like 10th Don body language masters...she'll know what your intentions are.

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just tell her how you feel, because your not going to lose anything, such as "____(girl's name), I have something to confess although I do not know how your reaction is going to be, but I have been longing to tell you that I like you....and (add something else.)" Even though she said she sees you as a friend, you still have her friendship, but if she said "Yes...I like you too...." You got both things. Just don't say anything about her liking you back. Only tell the truth when she asks about it....give her a single rose when you are about to ask her to make it more convincing and romantic...

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Basiclly my dear i will say that u r waiting for her approval, whichs totally wrong, u know what u need to know whichis she likes u back, so breaking that to her isnt the big issue, for now just enjoy this likeness moments which is the best in a relation, and just go through it make her like more and more, and u will just find her telling u so !

just dont be weak and wait her to give u the approval and make sure she feels that she is wasting her time not dating u !

good luck

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what i think you should is... TELL HER! If it is all nice and clean when you are with her and you know she said this about you, TELL HER! you do not want to live on with the rest of your life thinking of how it "might've" happened. so the best to do is to watch for signs of her maybe liking you and then tell her.

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Tell her how you feel. You already know she likes you so the chance of rejection is slim. Just be nice and honest with her. Tell her you value your friendship and you like her but will be willing to do what she thinks is best. Go for it. Trust me, the feeling of regret from not telling her would be far worse than anything she could say.

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