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going back to her ex (or whatever)

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can anyone tell me why women go back to their abusive husbands?


heres the story in a nutshell, the guys does something to piss her off, she comes to me and we have this thing, then she says she needs her space and ends up going back to the guy after giving a bunch of BS.


I try asking her what the hell happened but she ends up changing the subject, says i am bringing her down, or changes her story saying he didnt do anything wrong. I dont know if she is afraid of something, like he threatened to kill her or something, and she is only doing it because she has to or.......

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It's hard to say what's going on her. The background information is limited on this. One of the main reasons for going back to ex's, is repetition. If you have been with someone for so long, you start miss things when it's not around anymore. If there is something that balances the abusiveness, then there is a lead to hang onto. Something that could balance abusiveness could be deep tender loving care that makes a woman feel special. However with the information you provide it's just all speculation.


~ SwingFox ~

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