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i still miss my ex :(

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You are in the right place then. THere are alot of us who feel the same. I think the thing is to get on and live your life without ever expecting her to return.



i agree with that except for the ever expecting her 2 return part..............ive had experiences with that...........gf broke up with me......loved her.....(still do). Anyway we went out like 5 times after that and im working on 6 because i love her that much...all you have 2 do is keep hoping and praying that she will return

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Ya that's the truth,

You can't go on living life just telling yourself she won't come back, just go on living your life. Just live it, go day by day not expecting anything really. If she or he comes back they come back, don't expect them to don't expect them not to.


But yes I would also say that I miss my ex as well, I let it pass. I never try to hide those feelings. I let them come and it actually makes me smile each time.

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