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does she like me?


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For about the past week I have been pretty upset.

Ill start my story from when i first met this girl...

on friday the 13th, sept. i went to a fesival with a few friends(. later that i night i met two girls named yohana and cassie(freshman). we all hung out for about 3 hours. before we all left us guys gave the two girls our numbers. later that night i got a phone call from both of them. it was yohana and she was just telling me she hada good time and everything, then cassie got on and she said the same thing, then she said that yohana likes me. and then we all decided to meet back up at the fest the next day(saturday)

when we all got there and by we i mean dan, aaron(my friends), me cassie and yohana(the girl that lickes me). well we hung out all day and it seemed that yohana wasnt really that into me. i asked cassie what was up with yohana and she said shes kind od a shy person.(im shy too). well later that night(10 pm) me, cassie and dan walked around for like 10 minutes while aaron and yohana were in aarons car talking(and i know aaron wont hit on her or anything cause aaron is like 18 and yohana is only 14) so when we got back we went back in the car and did some other stuff. and around 11 pm, me and yohana actually started talking and started having a pretty good time(i think...).and then about an hour later we had to drop the girls off.

while me and aaron were on our way home aaron started talking about yohana and himself talking while me, dan, and cassie were walking around. he said that she said that she does like me but she also sorta likes another guy, but she is still deciding.

Monday at school, i spent the whole day looking for yahana. i never see her in school, nor cassie. i asked dan and aaron if they saw yahana. aaron said no and dan said that she is in his gym class.

Tuesday at school, i told dan to tell yohana to call me cause i dont have her phone number and i would like to talk to her. well at the end of the day, after his gym period i asked dan if he told her to call me. he said he forgot.

Today in school(Wednesday), a couple of periods before dans gum period i told dan to tell her to call me. he said ''i cant, i switched gym classes cause i was in a freshman gym class)...


Now see...this is what bothers me and has me thinking. you dont have to switch classes just because youre a sophmore in a freshman gym class. i got some juniors in mine and it doesnt matter. so now im thinking that dan really did ask her to call me and yohana said something like she doesnt like me or whatever. and i think dan is trying to pretend that he never asked her so he doesnt have to tell me the truth so i would have my feelings hurt. and i know dan wont try to take yohana because: 1. yohana doesnt like dan(hes got green hair [hes ''punk'']) 2. hes already got a girlfriend. 3. me and him are bestfriends and he would never do anything like that to me.


so now i am go crazy, my chest is caving in, i cant eat, i cant think straight, i cant do homework, im having flashbacks of today, im turning red, im sweating, im getting tired, i have no faith in myself, I AM JUST GOING F**KING NUTS NOW!


i just need to find out if she likes me and fast cause i think im giong crazy(dude, i really like this girl for some reason and i dont know why, and its not because i heard she likes me). plus homecoming dance is coming up and i would love to ask her. but how the f**k am i gunna ask her if i never see her and i dont know her god damn phone number?! plus i dont know if she likes me anymore.


so please...anyone...help me!...i cant take this anymore

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wow you need to calm down, it sounds like yohana knows your getting like this and ill tell you straight up, girls dont find this "sweet" or "cute" in the least. Shes young, she doesnt want a guy losing sleep and weight over her thats just creepy, so what you need to do is let her play herself into your hands, quit acting like you care so much. It sounds insane but girls love what they cant have, and please man, try and calm down, you will not marry this girl shes just a highschool fling. Your going about this whole thing so wrong, i hate to sound blunt or use myself as an example but im also how you say..."punk" and honestly dont care what girls think of me or whether or not they like me, and that drives them crazy, they love the QUIET hard to get skateboarder guy, not the guy who freaks out on all of her friends and tells people hes getting sick because he might not have a date to homecoming. Is this the first girl thats paid attention to you? just wondering, but i really think if you calm down and quit chasing girls, that youll be amazed at just what comes your way.



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ok first things first


i never told or showed anyone that im like this, so i dont have to worry about that


second, i am very emotional, and by that i dont mean i cry a lot or im a p*ssy or whatever. but i have a short fuse and im sorta crazy(been in rehab bout 2 times) but see no one knows


but im just pissed, i never see her in school, never saw her once!


um thats all i got to say

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i saw this girl before. infact i made out with her, but see that was outside of school. i dont see her in school

and um well i like this girl a lot for some reason

i just find her really cool

but if she dont like me then i guess im gunna have to go find another girl, but see ill probably never find a girl like her again

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the thing is..... you say that your not going to find someone else like this again, but to actually tell you the truth (and this isnt BS) ther are women out there that are most likely extremely better!!


you WILL meet someone perfect to your standards.


frankly.. i dont even think even IF you told them... i dont think neone will even care that you have been in rehab twice.... you just have to keep it on a low down and stop.... take a few deep breaths and just go on with your life...


from your story... (this is my thought) i think that your friend is trying to keep you two away from eachother... he might want her for himself... you never know! even though he has a girlfriend.....OR... just as you said... he could be protecting you... when he was talking to her... he could have found out something really horrible that could burn you to the ground.....

if you stop looking all around for her and just carry on with your life before you met her you will most likely see her walkin the halls.... then you have your chance to talk to her.... VERY CALMLY ask her "so, where have you been all this time" or something like that.......


just be yourself and act like none of this ever happened.....


I KNOW, I KNOW..... it IS hard to get rid of something like that, but.... its only puppy love.....


i am not trying to change anything you do.... i am just giving you suggestions.... i am sorry IF i make you mad at me or anything loike that, but this is just my view on things.......

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no im not mad at you or anything, its your opinion. and ill agree that i would find someone better than her, i really do. but see...that take a long time and everything, plus i dont really like the girls at my school, theyre either goth, gheoot, or just plain ugly(im not shallow)

so yea, it is hard to find another girl.

but ill try out your idea for a week or two idk maybe longer and just not search for her anything and just try to forget her. itll be kinda hard, but ill try.

and i swear to god, if dan was trying to have me stay away from her just so he could have her, id kick his f**king p*ssy punk @$$ so hard hed be masterbating with his own mouth.

haha, i dont know where that came from but yea, ok, thanks for your opinion

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no problem....see... i had the same thing going on as well... a while ago... and when your not looking for anybody .... it bacomes alot faster than you think... dont give up..... just go along and be cool.... the thing between u and me is that.... my friend going after the girl i liked... was really going after the girl i liked.... and he got her... but... im a better person from it.... good luck

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ive been trying out what you told me to do

ive tried not to think of her, im not looking for her in the hallways or anything like that

im getting a little better and im not crazy anymore...well not crazy for her

im always crazy

but oh well, now at least im starting to get over her, but now i feel lonely

but ill find another girl...hopefully

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sorry, somehow i got cut off so i wasnt able to finish my message.

what i ment to say was i saw her today and she said hey and i said hey. then we talked and talked...that went on for about 2 minutes about. then she asked if i was going to homecoming. i said ''i dont know, not sure now, you going?''

she said the same thing about

so......then we talked about that then i thyink she was about to ask me out to homecoming for some reason. but then she backed down and didnt

ask. so idk know if she chickened out or just didnt want to ask right then and there.

but who knows...THIS IS ALL IN MY HEAD, maybe she wasnt gunna ask me at all, lol

but anyways im thnking of asking her out to homecoming, but im not exctly sure i want to aske her. cause i dont want to look like some loser or w/e cause im not EXACTLY sure if she likes me.

so please give some advice because everyone knows that asking girls out is the best thing i do

and imk not going crazy like i was before

actually after i talked to her, i just sorta laughed

but yea

thats all i got to say

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heh.... well.... just actually be as cool as you can be.... dont try to be overproud of yourself and to be too nervous.... i know its the weekend now, but just phone her up and just say something like "hey, hows it going? so.. would you like to go to the dance with me?" you know.... the basics... you cant beat an original!! go to it.... (you said before that you have their numbers so phone her) GOOD LUCK AGAIN

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