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What do you think about NEVER leaving your first love?

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I was just curiuos as to what some of you with experience think about staying with your first love. I have been with my first love for 6 years and he is the only person I have ever kissed. We have had some issues lately and I don't know if we actually are meant for each other, or are just comfortable. You can read my first couple posts to get the picture, if not then I just wnat to know what you think. Thanks for your time and I will be waiting to hear from you!

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I have only loved one woman in my life and I was her first love as well. She decided that she did not see a future with me and had just been continuing the relationship because she was "comfortable". Actually here words were "I didn't want it to end but at the same time I didn't want it to progress to marriage. I was comfortable with staying in that same spot." so I know what you must be going through. I never wanted to end it with her because I thought that she was perfect for me, and I didn't want to fall in love with someone else. I also did not want her to love anyone else (selfish, I know, but any ex's that say they didn't feel that either are lying), and it is still the ony sticking point in my soul -- that someone else will hold her, kiss her, and make love to her...


I know now that she was probably not the right girl for me after all (now that I've had time to think about it). First loves are not always your life partners after all, but we all are romantics by heart and hope that we can have a cinderella story too. If you are getting comfortable and not wanting to really marry this guy then you need to rethink the relationship. I'm not saying dump him or break up, but rather talk with him and find out why you are feeling this way. Good luck.

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My first love was my first everything almost and I his. We were together for awhile but then ended it. It was one of the most devastating things ever. Since he was the first serious person I was with I never had a chance to see what else was around. Then I also discovered that though I felt he was my first love, he was not the one I should stay with.


Its hard to leave the person, but its also hard to resist the curiosity of what else is out there. A first love is a wonderful thing to have, even if it is not forever.

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Stop worrying about what others think. As I've said in another post, there are no rules about love--some people meet their soulmate in high school and are together forever; others meet their perfect mate in their forties. You just don't know.


So whether or not he's your first love has no bearing--because even couples who are not each other's first loves fall out of love, or stay together solely out of habit.


Follow your heart. If you're questioning things, then maybe you need a break.

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I think a first love is very precious, and the fact that you have been together for six years speaks volumes about the connection you two have. If you are experiencing problems in the relationship, I would suggest you two seek relationship counseling. You have no idea what is out there in Single Land!


Of course, you may still find that you want to move on, but I would at least give counseling a shot. True love doesn't come knocking too often.

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