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hey... these past few days have been torcher...my best friend got caught and her dad is all blaming it on me b/c i showed her a stupid movie... but the movie had nothing to do with anything!...and her dad(who used to like me) now HATES me and she probly cant hang out with me no more b/c of us watching a stupid movie!...and her dad just happens to be my moms boss...which makes it even worse b/c her dad is mad at my mom b/c she let me let my best friend watch it! and my best friends dad is all like if you screw up again we'll move to israel! if she moves im gonna like die literally..i dont care if i spelt that rong if i did...god...i wanted to tell my mom about EVERYTHING but i didnt i want her to no it just seems like it would make things seem much easier...but i can't b/c then for sure i couldnt hang out with my best friend. These past few days have been soo bad that i just want to shoot myself in the freakin mouth! ugh please help me...its all i think about... and i need to concentrate on other things...but i cant cause i cant loose shiran...if i do id sit there and watch my life fall to pieces....and then in a month or so i mite comit suicide for real like sit there and take a stupid gun put it to my mouth and shoot...please help i beg of you!...bye thanx...

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Whooa, slow down. I understand that you're upset right now, but nothing is final. Your friend is not moving as of right now, so instead of worrying about if/when she will, just relax and try to talk things out. You may think this is a bit extreme, but compared to losing someone who means so much to you, it's nothing:


Last year my friends and I did something really bad and got busted. I was a little incoherent at the time, and took the blame for everyone. After that, their parents forbade them to see me. I went to one of my friend's houses, sat her mom down, and explained that what I did was awful, and that I didn't want to lose a friend like her daugher. I assured her that I was done doing "dangerous" things, and that I understood her apprehension in allowing us to hang out again. After some time, (and 5 months of being grounded) I was able to hang out with her again. Parents trust someone who is up front, honest, and sincere. Try to sort things out before you assume that your life is hopeless. I was hopeless for a while, but problems can be solved. Good luck, don't hurt yourself, and feel free to pm me. I know the feeling.

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I'd recommend you go ahead and talk to your mom about it. Its hurting you to have your friends self-injuring blamed on you or a movie. Your mom will be able to help you handle the situation and may be able to explain more about whats happening to your friends dad.


It would be good to let your mom help with this. It will help your friend out too and maybe she can get some help. You don't want to lose your friend - right? So let your mom help both of you if at all possible.


Don't get too worried about a sudden move to Israel. Its not that easy for people to just pick up and move to another country.


Hang in there, and be calm ok? You can't help if you totally lose it.

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First of all you need to take a deep breathe and calm down before you have a break down.Things are obviously going bad right now,but all you can do is let them ride out.I would suggest telling your mom about your friend,how the movie thing had nothing to do with anything,and about how this isnt your fault.Also you need to be there for your friend.It sounds like she is going through alot.Good luck and if you ever need to talk to someone feel free to PM me.



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hey...okay well i felt like i should reply to this b/c i had a couple of things to say. for one thing...im the friend that got caught. after reading this post i realize how i've screwed up so much for my best friend! i mean...when i was cutting i didn't think about anything except my life...but lately ((after i got caught)) i started seeing how much i was hurting the people around me. to ashley...im sooo sorry!!!! none of this is your fault so dont worry...we both know it wasn't the movie and my dad doesn't hate you at all! i dunno why he had to go and talk to your mom but i just am so sorry for messing your life up along with mine. i wish we could all just go back in time and change everything..but we can't so we're just going to deal with this. i love you and im here for you! they are not going to take me away from you...trust me! they said that i have to screw up again and im not going to let myself mess up bad enough for them to take me away from you or anybody else. no matter what im always right by your side so whenever you need to talk im here to listen! i love you so much! your the best....stay strong...b/c we need to get through this together. bye...

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