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Medical school issues

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Basically, I live in the UK and I'm currently in my second year of medical school (out of six). I always thought medicine was what I wanted to do but now I'm starting to question myself. I used to be a really good student - I always did stuff on time, did loads of revision for exams etc - but since I started medical school I've completely lost my drive. I know logically that I need to do work to pass my exams and so I don't fail out but every time I sit down and try to get some work done I just can't focus and I feel really panicky and stressed. As a result of this I'm massively behind. Just looking at my books makes me feel depressed and anxious. I have periods at least once a day when everything just feels too much and I can't stop myself from freaking out and crying, especially when I think about studying or about the future.


The thing is is that I don't know whether medical school just isn't for me and that's the reason I'm feeling like this OR whether it's the external factors (friends, family, flatmates) that are making me feel so low and stopping me from focusing and as a result I'm struggling with uni work.

I also don't really have many medic friends. They tend to really go for the 'work hard, play hard' mentality but I'm not that into clubbing or getting wasted on a regular basis so I've found it hard to get to know other people on my course.

I'm not at a stage in my degree where dropping out is much of an option. I'm two years in and if I drop out now I'll have absolutely nothing to show for it - just loads of student debt, whereas if I wait for a year I can complete my first degree (we do two accross the six years) and then at least I'll have a few more options. I just don't know if I can find the motivation to last it out, and I don't even know if I want to drop out in the first place!


I know people will tell me to talk to the medical school about all this but I don't trust them. Friends of mine have had bad experiences with them in the past and I feel that if I voice my feelings about this to them it could potentially count against me in the future and they could make things very difficult for me.


On top of this everything else in my life is pretty rubbish at the moment. My family and close friends from home all have loads of stuff going on right now and I don't want to off-load all of this on to them. I live with three flatmates and we really don't get on.

I just feel that right now I have nowhere to turn.

I don't know if any of that made any sense, it doesn't really make much sense in my own head at the moment.

I'm not even really sure why I wrote this, I think it just helps to get these things out, even if it's on the internet and nobody reads it.

Ummm.. yeah. Done now. If anyone's been in a similar situation or just has any thoughts on it do share!





Edit: And I just realised I should have posted this in the Money, Careers & Education section. My bad.

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I'd say wait the year out until at least you've finished your first degree so your student debt isn't for nothing! It sounds like you have a lot going on and you're having a hard time in various aspects of you life, and this stress may be a vehicle to thinking that it is the uni course that isn't right. I say finish the first degree and then decide where you sit on the situation. I will also say, don't let other people influence you - do what YOU want to do and what is in YOUR heart.

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I'd say wait the year out until at least you've finished your first degree so your student debt isn't for nothing!


I agree with this. You say it's just one more year to go to get that first degree. You've made it this far, you might as well finish it. (Not to mention the 3rd year will come & go no matter what you decide. So you might as well make sure you got that degree by the time the 3rd year ends. You can do it; best of luck! )

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