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Professional Makeover for MEN??


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O.k.. I've already joined a gym to work on my weight... so that will help.


I also want to get my "perfect look, wardrobe"... I appreciate all the feedback here. I've sent in pictures and videos and got some good advice but I think it's time for me to seek out someone who can actually take me out shopping, play with my hair, etc..


I'm a MALE. So, I don't even know if there are professional makeover people specifically for men...


Is so...does anybody know the best way to get in contact with these people?


I live in LA.



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Good work on going to the gym...that's a great first step! Have some goals in mind so that you have an incentive to hit the gym when you don't feel like it. I like to sign up for races so that i have paid and have to do it so i may as well train.


As for clothes and hair, maybe get a subscription to GQ or Esquire. Those magazines are filled w/ style of all sorts. Flip through, read the advice, figure out what you like and don't, and then shop based on what you like. You don't have to spend a fortune and remember: FIT IS EVERYTHING!!! You can buy the best-looking shirt you've ever seen but if it doesn't fit, you'll look silly.

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Ask one of the sales associates at a nice store to put a few outfits for you together and try them on. I personally don't do it, as I have built my own style - but if you feel that your style is not working for you - it may pull you in another direction which will work. I'm sure L.A. is full of them as it's a town that's so focused on looks.

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I think the gym thing is the most important. Sometimes I don't care what guys wear as long as they look good in it. Fat guys are a turn off for me. I don't think you look that big but you could be more attractive if you were a bit smaller. Honestly, a guy could wear track pants and a t-shirt all the time and I would think they were hot if it looked good on them.

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I disagree, learning to dress for your body type is the most important. You can look really bad if you wear the wrong clothes, even if you have an amazing body. Usually you can't go that bad with t-shirts unless they are 3 sizes too big. When it comes to more elaborate clothing like dress shirts, suits - I've seen quite the nightmares as a result of poor cut or sizing.

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