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ex showing hints..


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We have tried and tried to have a relationship.. She had a rebound in March and has been going to him and back to me.. She has told me and her mother that she isn't attractive to him as much to me.. He has 'average' looks.. He treats her very well and breaks it off to come back.. has happened 3-4 times now.. He moved to a different state and told him she didn't want to date him anymore in nov..


There was an argument and now I am working on getting med's to improve myself.. She hints that she wants me but her guard is up.. Come to find out she flew to see him on New Years..


Every morning we text each other before work and at night.. Sometimes email during the day.. She doesn't like her job and misses her family which lives 2 hrs from where he moved too..


We have been best friends for 17 yrs.. and told me whatever happens she'll always be my bff and time will tell and everything happens for a reason..


How do you ask a female with out drilling that if she has moved on let me know.. She told me she would be lying if she didn't love me but taking it slow.. She plans on moving or finding a new job in April..


If I bored anyone I do apologize..

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Honestly I have asked her questions and it was putting pressure on her.. I know big mistake.. On where she says us and where does she want this to go.. While she was at the airport she sent me this picture link removed Not sure what she was trying to tell me.. lol


Was talking to a female friend and she told me she doesn't want to let you go.. She has been in love with me since first sight and really wants to be with me.. Even moved 2 states down away from her family.. The relationship had it's up and downs, we both took it for granted.. Now I see what she means to mean (which is alot cause she knows everything about me like a diary)..

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You say that she's gone back and forth between you and this other guy four times already!? Sorry, but no self-respecting person would continue to take somebody like that back. She's clearly confused about what she wants, but rather than forcing her to make up her mind, you're enabling her indecisiveness. Ask yourself this question: why would she go to the effort of really figuring out what she wants when she can bounce back and forth, from you to this new guy, whenever she wants?


Cut the chord and stop being her doormat. I'm sure you don't need that kind of drama in your life.

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She is just using you for support. Just talk to her, tell her how you feel and make it clear that she cant have both guys. If she flew to him for new year rather than spending it with you, she is inclined to be with him as a girlfriend and be with you as a friend.


Of course 17 years is a long time, so she finds you as a comforting friend, who she loves but not in love with, and him as an exciting boyfriend who she might consider as a strong candidate for love.

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You say that she's gone back and forth between you and this other guy four times already!? Sorry, but no self-respecting person would continue to take somebody like that back. She's clearly confused about what she wants, but rather than forcing her to make up her mind, you're enabling her indecisiveness. Ask yourself this question: why would she go to the effort of really figuring out what she wants when she can bounce back and forth, from you to this new guy, whenever she wants?


Cut the chord and stop being her doormat. I'm sure you don't need that kind of drama in your life.


This is so apt and OP, you need to read this and take this on board. You need to have respect for yourself and at the moment all you are doing is being her emotional support whilst she goes through problems in life. Once her life is sorted personally it sounds like shes more likely to go with the other guy, especially if she flew to him for NYE instead of see it in with you!!

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