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ok, i'm in highschool and i currently like this girl named "Cara",


well, I asked this girl out on a tuesday. She said that her cousin might be coming into town that weekend and if she didi she wouldn't be able to go out, and that she would call me on thursday. Well she called me on thursday and i called her back after i got home. Well she said that her cousin wasn't coming into town, but she had to go to this thing with her parents, which is believeable because she'e gone their every weekend for the past couple years, so i asked her if she would be free on saturday. Well she went to go check and then i heard her mom tell her to get off the phone because she was grounded, well then "cara" said she was grounded and that she couldn't go out this weekend.


About 2 minutes later her mom called me back, needless toi say that was kinda' freaky, anyways; she asked me what we planned on doing. So i told her i was just going to take her out to dinner and a movie. Then she said that sounded okay, and she would talk to ["Cara's"] Father and see if she could go, and that "Cara" would call me back the next day.


Friday, came and "Cara" called me back and said that she had gotten grounded the saturday before for a week and that her dad said she was grounded until sunday, so we wouldn't be able to go out that weekend.


Now it's over a week later and she hasn't said anything to me. I'm afraid that if she is interested that she thinks that I think that she isn't interested in me. Or isn't she interested and was just trying to reject me without actually doing it?




they say it is better to have loved and lost,

than to have never loved at all,

but when we love and are not accepted,

the passion is our pain,

without love we are empty.

and without the passion we are dead.

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I am not sure myself what's going on here. It is strange that her mom called you back. I believe that you have two options here:


1) You get all your courage together to walk up to her and ask her what is going on and what it is she wants to do. If you think she is serious about you and you think she wants to go out with you, support her and give her more courage by telling her that you (still) like her very much. Take it from there.


2) You leave things as they are, do nothing and move on. You'll never know, though, what really happened.


I wish you strength to make the decision that works for you and I wish you good luck. I hope things work out the way you planned them to.


~ SwingFox ~

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