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So, near the end of November, I started chatting to this girl (online dating) and we had a great phone call after chatting online a bit. Unfortunately, bad timing, and she was leaving for about a month (job out of Province). She said we should try and get together before she left, but I didn't hear from her. I let it go because it was a last minute job opportunity, and I am sure she was crazy busy.


Then, the day she left, I get a text and we text back & forth for a bit, says when she gets back we should try and get together (if I'm still single). About half way through her being away, I texted her to see how she was, how she was liking it, etc., I no response at all. Again, I just let it go.


Fast forward, she's back, I see she's online, and read my profile (I was off the site, then back on), but no text from her, nothing. No big deal. Then, I get this automated message from the site because she "wants to meet me"...what is with that? She has my number, we already talked, etc.


So what is going on? How do I read this?


...so confused....

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