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Date Feedback on Text Reponse...


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...so I met this woman I'd been talking to online, and it's funny because we were chatting online, that started texting a bit, then lost touch for a couple of weeks; twice! Not to sound too bad here, but both times, she dropped the texting...nothing rude or anything, just no response. I thought maybe she met someone, no big deal...we're all dating. But twice, out of the blue, just an email to say "hi". I was a little concerned that maybe she was playing games, met someone, it didn't work out, and then I was just an "old option".


Either way, I thought I'd meet her. I wasn't going to let this drag on, so we met that week. Date went well I think...lasted a couple of hours, we laughed and had some fun. I texted her the next day (day before Xmas Eve) and said I enjoyed meeting her, had fun, and wished her a great Xmas. She text'd back with "Thx, Merry Xmas". That's it. I haven't heard from her again (didn't expect anything over Eve & Day of Xmas), but the response I got was very short and usually I read into that she isn't interested.



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Hmmm tricky one, if I was intersted I would have proabably text back saying that i'd also enjoyed the date and perhaps ended it with a question so that we could continue the text chat. It does sound a bit like she wants to just leave it at that. But then sometimes people can come accross differently to how they intend in text messages. Perhaps in a few days just casually text her and ask if she would like to meet up again, I guess her response to that will give you your answer.


If she continues to drop texting and then randomly get in touch every few weeks, i'd leave it, that sounds like games and that you're her fall back option.

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I typically do call, but I'm not a big phone guy, plus this was just a follow-up to our "first meet", not a first date. I try not to make plans via text after starting to date. I don't consider a first meet from an online site really a date because of the whole online scenario.


I am basically going to leave it alone for now...I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to got any further. Like Lucy says, I would expect a little bit more in the response, like that she also enjoyed meeting, etc.



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