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Help! i need serious advice on sexual orientation issue

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I'm a guy and i'm 15, and my best male friend was sleeping over and we were discussing porn and masterbation, and i dont know how but he ended up giving me head!!!!! i am so ashamed! i dont know why i let him. We are both straight but i am sometimes somewhat attracted to men. What does this mean. I know people experiment but is this more than experimenting, is this too far? i am having trouble sleeping because i cant stop thinking about it, i regret it so much. Help!

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well we discussed it and we agreed to just forget about it, and that we were just sexually fustrated and we got caught up in the moment. I guess i'm 15 and i always have wanted to get head, you know how it is, i'm a horny teenager. I'm just so stupid, i wasnt thinking. I havent even been with a girl yet! i just wanted it so much, i didnt care who it was from. The rest of the night was so awkward. I slept like 2 hours. I just kept running the whole thing through my head, trying to figure stuff out. I know that it was a weak moment and its just something that happened, but i just need to get some advice and to talk about it, to be honest i feel kind of tramatised. My friend and i were just pretending it didnt happen the next morning. I think it'll be fine with time. the thing is that i'm not very popular, most of my friends are girls, his like my ownly male friend i do stuff with on the weekends! i'm such an idiot. All i can say is i'm glad it wasnt me doing it! i think i wouldnt have coped after, i'd be so confused. At first he was just giving me a handjob, and than we started sucking me. It was so good at the time, and than straight after i suddently went back to reality, i wanted to throw up, i cant believe what we did, its so wrong! but what does it mean, like sexual orientation wise. When people say they experiment as teens and its normal, is this in that rhelm of normality or is this really extream?

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Don't worry kid, everyone has something like that that they have run into in their teens.


I think you should address why you feel bad. Do you feel it was wrong or do you feel that "being gay" is wrong?



If it's the former, then just let it lie and stay friends with him...friendship is important and while weird things can happen, you can get past them. Friendship is too important to let these things take them down.


But if it's the latter, then perhaps you have other issues to work on.

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I agree with them - and the same thing happened to me - and im not friends with that person anymore but the reason why is because "we DIDNT talk about it" i believe if we would have talked things would have worked out- just make sure you and your friend talk about it good and understand everything - dont lose a friendship over something like that


a best friend is so hard to come along these days - hold on with everything you've got and let nothing stand in the way!

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May an OLD person offer a thought on this as well?


As others have said, don't overthink this until it drives you crazy. (I tend to overthink things that HAVEN'T happened, and it makes me crazy!) This incident with your friend is now something that will always be a part of your past, and cannot be changed. BUT... you can control how you deal with something like this in the future.


What happened was brought on by being carried away by the heat of passion. Passion is a wonderful thing-- unless you get so caught up that you do things you might regret. Try and be aware every moment during an encounter. Enjoy what is good-- but consider the outcome. And be willing to step back if you feel like it.


I hope you will be happy.

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I agree whith the last reply, it seems like you have a problem with being gay. I can't say that i didn't because i did. In a lot of cases people who make themselves think that something is sooo wrong...is usually wanting to do that thing. You shouldn't stress over what you did, but you should find out why you did it and whether its something you want to do. At my first experience I felt very weird also. But now I feel a lot better about things. But everyone is different...so i would just take some time to think about what you want. Your still young you have plenty of time to figure out what you want and who you are. Don't spend your teenage years trying to be an "ideal" straight person. Just open up your mind and look for something that you feel strong about. I don't know if that helps but the number one thing is not to stress yourself out over something you can't control any longer.

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  • 1 year later...

I agree with everyone else, talk about it with him if it's concerning you and if it'll just eat away at your thoughts if you don't. When growing up, a lot of people end up doing strange things like this, whether or not they're homosexual, heterosexual or bi. Don't worry about you or him being gay, it's probably not the case.

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and people call me undertaker. *shakes head* However. it might have been hormones, might have been experienting but night also have been a moment of weakness. If we see it like this. This guy is mostly with girls in school abd have one male friend, he probably feels like some kind of outsider. There's one guy who treats him nicly and respects hormones are running and they are alone might want to try something new, something dangerous, something wrong. His friend wants to try giving heads and he might feel like he's in dept to him because of the friendship.


I'm not saying it is so but it just... it kinda fits in a way. Even if he didn't think about it like that doesn't mean it's not like that. A lot of things affect us and we are not aware of many of them.


However.. try not gravedigging. It's kinda confusing.

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