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Is he ready to move on, or still into his ex?


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met a friend, but we are now long distant friends and most of your communication is online... (but we met in person first). We have had great communication, and he has made mention in the past that I bring out the best in him. He has spoken of me in his future and him visiting me. He has even sent me songs on more than one occasions, songs that speak about relationships. I have a project to work on, and the day I told him I needed his help he got right to it and started. But here is where it gets tricky. Since he starts working on it, he says he is very busy with my project and therefore we do not spend that much time talking. He stays up really late working on it, (and I appreciate it) but I feel neglected now. Especially since now, all we talk about is the project, nothing personal anymore...occasionally he will ask "Are you ok?"

One day I made a comment about not wanting someone to call me, and he immediately assumed it was a guy and say to me "Maybe he is calling you, because he is really into you". He has also on occasion shown jealousy when I speak about other guys. But now I am wondering if he could still be interested or maybe he is now traveling the friend road. I saw on his facebook, where he put up a song about giving his all and asking why it wasn't enough...and a poem about she being the one he desire and he wants to see her so he can tell her... and blah blah blah and above that song is the one he dedicated to me about wanting me to be his girl. Both songs were put up the same day... *He broke up with his ex a month before I met him* and they were together for a year...

9 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

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Everytime I ask about his ex though, he always say she is his past... and he is looking past the past and to the future...

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