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Does the "rebound" relationship help/hurt

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I am curious as to how the "rebound" relationships that you often hear about work and how they affect either the dumper or the dumpee.


Personally I feel that if I had a relationship close in time to being dumped, that it would cloud things and prevent me from doing the healing that is necessary to move forward. Initially I thought that it might "cure" me, but now I think that it would actually make things work. I don't have this opportunity anyway, I'm just curious.


As for the dumper, I believe it would also mask their feelings or delay things. Perhaps it would delay things for long enough that the dumper doesn't have to go through pain? I believe that the dumper has gone through pain before the breakup already, so perhaps they are ready for a new relationship shortly after the breakup. It seems common for the dumper to go from one person to the next (as in my case).


Opinions? What experiences have people had with "rebound" relationships? Did they work out? Were you happy during it?

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I think rebound relationships shouldnt exist... Rebound relationships are used for whenever they want someone.. Being a rebound person hurts very bad too.... And for the dumpee it hurts too know that after u just got dumped that the dumper is just going out with someone. And the dumper i think is pretty shallow because shes just running away from her/his problems...


I Guess the reason why i say this is because i got dumped and she had a rebound player and it really really hurt....And to know that i became her rebound that she could just come back to me if she needed then that hurt.. Its like being controlled..

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