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little experience, somebody help!


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I have only asked a girl on a date once, so I am pretty inexperienced. There is this girl that I am liking more and more every day and we are starting to talk to each other a lot more and I want to ask her out so extremely bad, but I don't know how to go about doing it. she seems so amazing and I don't want to make our friendship stop and seem weird because I ask her out and she doesn't want to, but then again I won't get anywhere just sitting around thinking about her. I would really appreciate it if someone could give me advice or let me know if I should elaborate a bit on the situation first before I could get advice.


thanks alot

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- you could try instead of "asking her out"...just ask for her number. If she gives it to you...call her in a day or two and ask her to coffee THEN. It takes pressure off you if you work in baby steps, and well some women think it's weird for a guy to ask someone for a "date" right off the bat. No need for the pressure.


- Do it immediately! Why? Because the more you sit and wonder the more nervous you get. And the more nervous you get the more you put her on a pedastol as though she's too good for you or something. So I would just learn to act right away and not to waste any more of your emotional time on someone without knowing if they are interested in you.

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Try an indirect approach, causally ask her out. Like:


"Would you like to catch a movie" or "Want to grab something to eat?"


Continously do that, she'll get the idea that you like her soon enough. But that's just on the safe side. If you want to take a bet and see if she's willing to go out with you try any way you please.


Bon chance, mon ami.



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