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Masturbation insecurities


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I'm 15 and I don't masurbate. It's not because of religion or things my parents have told me or anything like that but I never felt the need, yet I haven't tried very hard. I still think of myself as a sexual person, I admittedly look at porn and I've had some girlfriends in the past. I talk with my friends about girls and sex cause that's what guys do and all my other friends masturbate and think of sex all the time. I feel guilty that I don't and they criticize me for not doing it. I also don't understand it because I started puberty a year earlier than all my friends so I figured I'd be the one to start doing it first. So it's almost like peer pressure that forces me into trying sometimes but I can't stay erect because I start feeling that I'm doing something morally wrong and all my friends are so far past me or I start getting critical of my size. I've read sites and they say that there's nothing wrong with not doing it but I feel very insecure that I don't and I want to get over that. I feel like if I don't start it will end up affecting me later on because I won't know what to do when I get sexually active with a girlfriend. Which for some reason I feel I'd have no problem getting action from a girlfriend but I do with something less than that like masturbation.


But a problem with that is since I don't masturbate when I have wet dreams lots of the semen stays between the foreskin and my penis. So when I get hard I can see dried semen on the perimeter of my foreskin and when I push it back there's lots more. So if I ever got sexually active it would easily lead to something embarrassing. I've read up on that problem and it says to start to masturbate in the shower and push back the skin and wash it off when you're hard. I've done that but it's very hard to get the stuff off because it's so sensitive that after half a dozen seconds I become soft again. So all this combines into leading me to feel overly insecure and having low self esteem around girls because I feel all other guys have a one up on me. But I know there must be someone out there who can help so I came here.


I'm sorry if the second paragraph was a bit gross but this really troubles me. If anyone can help me, please do.

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My boyfriend doesn't masturbate. Says he never got into it even when he was younger. He's now 30 and trust me, he has no problems in the bedroom.


Don't let your friends get to you. I know it's not easy, but you should never do anything just because someone else says you should be. If you don't want to do it, don't. You can always lie to your friends.


As far as what you're finding underneath the foreskin, yeah, that would most likely be smegma. A combination of oils and dead skin if I'm correct. It happens with guys who aren't circumcised since the foreskin holds in everything that is naturally sloughed off. Just keep it clean.

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As long as you clean yourself well, smegma should not be a problem. If you're unsure about how to do it, there are websites you can find (I'm sure) or you could talk to your doctor, who would be more than happy to help out.


As far as everything else, relax. I bet you're just a late-bloomer (which has nothing to do with the physical onset of puberty).



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