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Losing My Best Friend ???

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I feel as if I'm losing my best friend. Maybe I've already lost her then maybe I'm just being ignorant....


Tonight we went to a football game together but she invited another friend along with. One she's been spending A LOT of time with. I don't like this girl because of how she acts...like the fact she openly talks about sex, the men that she wants, and the fact that she shows people her underwear. It bugs me. So when I found out she was coming to the game with us, I figured it'd be ok I knew I wasn't going to like it much but I thought I'd give it a chance to be fair to my bestfriend. At the game I felt like an outsider. I was distant and didn't say much and they invited me to stand up with them but the game was so sucky I didn't want to stand up and they wound up leaving me there with their stuff while they went to the bathroom and to get something to drink...we wound up leaving the game early because it was horrible. We were getting stomped all over and we had kids around us yelling and screaming at their friends in the stands, spitting, and throwing things. Let's just say I wouldn't call tonight a pleasurable experience.


After the game I was supposed to spend the night at her house, but she wound up inviting Jessica to that at the last minute too. After being sorta left out all night long, I was fed up and I felt like I had lost my best friend, so I called my dad and had him pick me up from her house. I didn't feel right in being there, her mom had enough to handle with one teenager plus her daughter she didn't need two teens...


Before I went home, she asked me if my baptism was still on for Sunday and asked if my parents could give her a ride. I said yah it shouldn't be a problem. I know only a true friend would come to your baptism or make a big issue out of it...but I just want it to go back to the way it was when we were kids...growing up doesn't have to mean growing apart and I don't want to grow apart from her.


I just want to know if I'm being stupid, too jealous, an idiot, and if I'm really losing my bestfriend or if she's still there but I'm too blind to see it.

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HI Edge,


Sorry to hear about your not-so-fun night. Well, I can understand how you feel. I have a friend who used to be really close, then she got busy and anytime she called me up to do anything, it was in a group, not one-on-one. Like she asked me to "tag along" with her while she did her main activity.


Sadly, people do change. I wouldn't say you're losing your best friend, but she does sound like she's changing and wanting to be friends with Jessica. It's not like she doesn't like you anymore, but she's probably exploring who she is, and this new friend kinda brings out a different side of her.


I think it would be good for you to start developing other friendships or getting closer to some of the other girls you hang out with. None of us can control anyone else, so you can't force your friend to not hang out with Jessica. You can probably just ask for some one-on-one time with your friend now and then, though.


Change isn't always fun, but it's inevitable and the best you can do is roll with it and make some positive changes of your own. Good luck.

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hay there Edge.


i to was in the same situasion once my best friend and i who new each other since we were 7.


we grow up and things changed he made now frinds which i did not like and i made new friends which im sure he did not like. but i was there for him im the good time and the bad time.


in the end we both changed due to the crownd we were in.even tho i dont see him much now as were have moved away due to jobs. i still class him as my best friend as i now he will be there when ever i need help. (which he has done be4).


the best way is by talkin to your friend say say how u feel. she may understand. and not see this other friend your your around (thats what my firend and i did and it worked)


i hope i help in some way

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