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PLEASE HELP! Everything that keeps a relationship going....

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When you first meet someone there is the chemistry that forms as your personalities connect. all before that first date there is the gut crushing and stomach knot-tieing that goes on from being so nervous.


I took a girl out for a coffee date. conversations flourished as we became mentally tied and realized that we were an intelligent "two". We had many common interests and conversations never seemed to beshort.

but what happens after? once you have that first kiss and you're totally lusting for them and you picture them in your mind. something happens. help me explain it. the conversations still exist but they become "lubby-dubby" and giggliing and "awwww, you're so cute" are more common place. After 2 weeks there is no conversation about such topics as Art or The Music Industry, just mush. but they are still enravelled on your words and can't wait to see you.

Everything with the personalities are still connecting from what happened before.


But what happens next? i've never been in a relationship long enough to know. naturally this is just a phase that a relationship will go through at the beginning. But How do i keep that same chemistry and connection of our minds before we got mushy.




Is it just romance? The candlelit dinners?

or the conversations? there is only so much to talk about. and even a talk can get boring...

is it just finding something new to do that we both enjoy. or is something i do when i spend time with her.


It starts as being a relationship that was fueled and ignited by our minds and personalities connecting but after a short time we never do that once. all the feeling is there but all we do is experience each other physically. i know it's a phase, but how do i make sure everything is still ther and it doesn't crumble



please help. this would make a good article topic.

or where else should i look!?

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It's hard to say...


Whent I first got with my boyfriend, we didn't stop with the affectionate talk for about a week or two, I guess we didn't really know what to say to each other.. then after a while we started having real conversations again!


It must be some sort of phase.... I guess it's because you like the person so much and you just need to "emphasise" how much you love them!!


It should all settle down after a while..

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