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Best friends to ex's..

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She was my best friend in high school and had to move away cause of her father in Navy.. We kept in contact and faded apart and came back to each other ever few years..

in 2009 she moved down here got a job and we dated for about 2 yrs.. It was rough near the end and lost contact and started dated someone else.. I read the forums here and stayed NC.. They dated maybe 3 months and we saw each other as friends.. Then the chemistry popped in and she kissed me left him.. Dated for a few weeks and left me for an argument and back to him.. That last 2 months and she came back to me.. I screwed up so she repeated rinsed and repeated (lol)..


He moved away and she broke contact with him (he only has his family down here and just got out of a divorce.. She loved his heart but didn't find him attractive just comfortable with no drama..) I had to take her to the airport and she started feeling tense and argued with me for no reason.. And she told me in a text she knows it's not going to work (Before she told me she didn't come down here to leave empty handed and I am her soul mate since she layed eyes on me.. )


She is now back in contact with him 'as friends'.. Told me she is confused.. Told her I still love you and her response was I love you also.. I did the stupied drilling and stopped cause i could tell it was stressing her out.. after a few days NC we text like nothing happened and call's me her best friend..


Has anyone been in a situation like mine that it actually has worked out between 2 lovers.? She is confused why she is in this state and probably going to leave in feb or march.. Also told me some days are harder then others and she wanted it so bad.. Now, dunno maybe not so much.. She has admitted she is still in love with me.. Do I love her.? Of course.. We might meet up this coming up Sunday to go have lunch with my parents.. I'll never be over her and not sure how this is going to end.. I just miss her and she keeps calling me her bff..



Might just be venting more then question..

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