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My ex (6 years+) and I broke since May when I was doing a project in overseas. The reason of our break up is because she fall in love with someone (Her friend). I did contact her during i was in overseas but she seems like reluctant to reply. Till one day, she replied my email and asked me to leave her alone and let her go. Starting that day, I did NC.

One day on July, she wrote me an email and she told me she really miss me after totally lost me. She sent me some notes, wrote down all the histories where we start from. Very sweet and touching. I thought we can get back together this time.

Early August, I went back to my country and we met up. She told me how good I am and how much she misses me when I am not around. She told me she already don't miss the guy anymore (because she knows they are not the same kind at all). Unfortunately, she said a friend of her (old friend from home town who waited her for 6 years although I was togehter with her) trying to go after her when he knew we broke up. She said she never expected the guy still waiting her for so long and she feel so touching. Anywehre, we hugged and kiss on that night and before I leave, she said it is hard for her to choice again (6 years ago and now) between both of us.

I left my country again after two days and I keep contacting her when I was in overseas but still the same she was not answering my email and message. So i gave her some time and let her calm down (I knew she was confusing herself between the guy and me).

I came back few days ago after the project. I called her and she want to meet me up. When I went to fetch her, I saw the necklace that I gave her is not on her neck, from that moment, i know she already made a decision. Within my expectation, she told me she is now together with the guy. She said she cannot see our future but she know the guy can give her the future. She touched by the guy because of six years waiting of her. She wants me to forget her and move on.

Why she want to hurt me again??? Why she activate my heart again while I intented to move on? Why now she tells me about this. How can she just made the decision within few weeks. Why she wants to hurt me twice?

I am totally fall again although I saw the light few weeks ago. I am really hurt. I really do not know what I can do now.

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Sounds to me like she is a really dependent person (someone who needs you there all the time). Seems like with your job that does not allow you to be there. That is understandable and you have to do what you have to do. She is probably confused because she loves you, doesn't intentionally want to hurt you, but in the same hand doesn't want you going overseas or away to work. That caused stress on her, and may have scared her. There really is no way of knowing exactly what she was thinking. It is time for you to move on, and I know that must be hard after 6 years, but you need to do it for you. I don't suggest you concentrating on trying to get back with her. Unfortunately you two seem to be leading different paths in life, and she is not supporting you path. Well good luck.

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I don't think working overseas is the reason she want to leave. The reason is she wants to find someone that match her type. Maybe I am not her type anymore and she needs someone can gives her future.

Now she already with someone that willing to spend 6 years to wait her. Maybe he is the right guy and can treat her better than I.

I just don't understand why she want to call me again and told me how good I am if she doesn't love me. I just don't understand why she can straight away made the decision within few weeks (since she told me the guy just her good friend, she pushed away the guy's hand when he trying to hold her hand......). I am really hurt to fall second times.

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