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Recurring dream that's not so pleasant.....

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Hey guys,


I have been having a recurring dream that kind of bothers me. Once a month it seems I will get a dream with the same underlying theme.


I am usually doing my thing, living life like normal, but without my husband. We have separated and I haven't talked to him for however long. Long enough to forget his phone number.


It's really odd because I have no desire of leaving him or cheating on him or anything. We don't fight a lot and didn't fight last night when I had the dream.


Anyone have any input? It's a dream that makes me sad when I wake up after he's left for work and it takes a minute for me to get my life back together and realize that no one has gone anywhere permanently...he's just at work.



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I have similar dreams from time to time. Your mind tends to take insecurities and manifest them in dreams. Small worries that normally you wouldn't have a problem dismissing in a conscious mind takes a whole new meaning when you're unconscious. You wake up with that... "What the * * * * just happened" feeling.


Really it means nothing, they come and go.

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I also have had many dreams that have made a huge impact on me by their content. I've 'studied' dreams for a few years, and still do, as well as keep multiple dream journals to go through my experiences. While most will see them as 'just dreams', and I agree to some extent they are, looking further into them can really give you some insight to your subconscious.


There are many things that would go into interpreting the dream, such as how you are feeling emotionally, how you are coping with being single [in the dream]. Are there any noticeable colours? Are there other people involved? Either way, I wouldn't take it as you having marital issues, or that maybe you are headed that way and your dreams are giving you a heads up... more than likely, the subconscious is trying to tell you something that has nothing to do with divorce at all.


It could mean that you are losing yourself and need to learn to differentiate between your own self and your family, or prioritize yourself above other's problems. Looks like you are looking for a separation of sorts, which again, doesn't necessarily mean from your husband/family life. Not a 'pro' here by any means, just throwing out some suggestions.


Either way, keep a dream journal if this is bothering you. It will help you remember other dreams as well and from there you can learn all sorts of things about what your mind wants to show you when you're sleeping.


Good luck!

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I have dreams of the same reoccurring theme every night almost. Nothing like it has happened......well yet anyway.


I don't think dreams necessarily mean what they think we mean, like the actual thing in our dream is going to happen, but they are more a reflection of what we are generally feeling in life at the moment. Maybe just think about how you feel.

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