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I've been dateing this girl for 4 months now. She brokeup with her ex about a month before we started dateing. But recently, they have been talking on the phone, sending email and seeing eachother. He's even stayed at her place a few times I found out. Anyways, this guy is trying hard to get her back. She's telling me that she wont get back with him but lately she's been telling this guy she misses him, and HAS to see him, and that she still loves him.


What do you think I should do about this?

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Dude...I hate this say this, but it doesn't look very good. I think you need to make it very clear to her that you are not happy about the whole situation and that you want to know for sure either way what is really going on.


Wehn you do confront her, tell her to look at it from your perspective.....ask her how it would feel if you were e-mailing and phoning your ex reguarly telling her you missed her, and that she had slept at your house. She might see exactly what shes doing.


However....the fact that he has slept there a couple of times AND they are talking reguarly, and say they love each other still.......she may already be sleeping with him. I could be wrong, but that is just how it looks to me.


Good luck, I hope this was of some help to you

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I have to agree with ComputerGuy, this situation does NOT look good for you. Her staying over there, and telling him she misses him/loves him does not bode well for your relationship, and I am surprised she is still with you in that case, unless she is wary of her ex's motives.


When she said she had no interest in him...she was either lying, or in denial, otherwise she would not be acting this way now.


How long were they together, and why did they breakup?


Since your relationship is pretty new, depending on why they broke up and their history, I am afraid she might end up going back to him to give it another go - it often happens. You were likely the rebound (sorry).

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They were together for over a year and they brokeup because, she says, it wasnt working. Apparently they fought all the time and she figured it wouldnt work. I told her I didnt like this whole situation a few times but she doesnt seem to understand. She doesnt like me hanging out with my female friends so I thought she would understand how I feel about this, I guess not


I'll try again tonight...

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Alright, I talk to her about it. And she got really mad. Started to cry. Said that maybe we shoulnt be together if it bothers me so much. She said that she doesnt hangout w/ him anymore and it seems like she doesnt understand what the big deal is. I'm going to talk to her again tonight but I dont know how to get thou to her.


Any ideas as to what I should do?

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